The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1

Now, whatever you say, I will do it instantly. There shall be no delay in it.’
Hearing such tender and sweet words of Mahesh (Shiva), Parvati was
thrilled beyond measure, and she fell down at the Lord’s feet. (74)

Parvati returns home

ifj ik;¡ lf[k eq[k dfg tuk;ks vkiq cki v/khurkA

ifjrksf"k fxfjtfg pys cjur çhfr uhfr çchurkAA

gj ân;¡ /kfj ?kj xkSfj xouh dhUg fcf/k eu HkkouksA

vkuanq çse lektq eaxy xku cktq c/kkouksAA9AA

pari pāyam̐ sakhi mukha kahi janāyō āpu bāpa adhīnatā.
paritōṣi girijahi calē baranata prīti nīti prabīnatā.
hara hṛdayam̐ dhari ghara gauri gavanī kīnha bidhi mana bhāvanō.
ānandu prēma samāju maṅgala gāna bāju badhāvanō. 9.

Chanda 9. She (Parvati) fell down at Lord Shiva’s feet and through her companion
informed him about her dependence on her father. [Parvati told Lord Shiva that at
present she has to obey her parents, and thus the Lord must follow tradition by
approaching them in order to marry her. She cannot marry him directly against
tradition and established norms. It will be unrighteous and unethical for her as well as
for the Lord.]
Then Lord Shiva reassured Girija (Parvati, the daughter of the Mountain) that
he will do whatever is needed to fulfill her wishes, and then went away, lauding and
praising her immaculate virues, glories and wisdom.
[Shiva praised her virtuousness as she maintained her dignity by not speaking
to a stranger directly but through the medium of a friend, which was in accordance to
tradition. Then, she showed respect to her parents and did not diretly marry her or
propose to him, again to conform to tradition. Had she wanted, she could have done
so because she had done severe Tapa precisely for this purpose.]
Meanwhile, Gauri (Parvati) too went home with Har (Shiva) enshrined in her
heart. The creator did everything as per her wishes. The happy turn of events made
the people (of her native place, the mountain kingdom) exult in joyous abundance.
Their love and respect for her increased manifold. Auspicious, congratulatory and
felicitous songs were sung and complimentary music was played spontaneously
everywhere. (9)

Shiva prepares for marriage

flo lqfejs eqfu lkr vkb flj ukbfUgA

dhUg laHkq luekuq tUe Qy ikbfUgAA75AA

lqfejfga lÑr rqEgfg tu rsb lqÑrh cjA

ukFk ftUgfg lqf/k dfjv frufga le rsb gjAA76AA

siva sumirē muni sāta ā'i sira nā'inhi.
kīnha sambhu sanamānu janma phala pā'inhi. 75.
sumirahiṁ sakṛta tumhahi jana tē'i sukṛtī bara.

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