Indeed, Lord Ram’s visible form was so astounding that the beholder was left
thrilled and dumbfounded—refer for instance: Ram Charit Manas—(i) Baal Kand,
Chaupai line nos. 5-6 that precede Doha no. 148 where this condition was
experienced by Manu and Satrupa when the Lord revealed himself before them; and
(ii) in Kiskindha Kand, Chaupai line no. 5 that precedes Doha no. 2 when Hauman
was thrilled upon recognising his revered Lord, Sri Ram.]
ŒÊ0. ‚ÃË Á’œÊòÊË ß¢ÁŒ⁄UÊ ŒπË¥ •Á◊à •ŸÍ¬–
¡®„U ¡®„U ’· •¡ÊÁŒ ‚È⁄U ÃÁ„U ÃÁ„U ß •ŸÈM§¬H 54H
satī bidhātrī indirā dēkhīṁ amita anūpa.
jēhiṁ jēhiṁ bēṣa ajādi sura tēhi tēhi tana anurūpa. 54.
Sati also saw the respective consorts of the gods (she had already seen as narrated in
the previous verses). That is, she saw as many Satis (consort of Shiva), Bidhaatris
(consort of Bidhi or the creator Brahma), and Indiraas (consort of Indra, the king of
gods) in as many forms and in different attires as she saw their respective counterpart
All the female counterparts of the different gods had as many compatible
forms and varied attires as they were gods in myriad forms and attires. (Doha no. 54)
[Note—As we shall read below in verse nos. 3-4, Lord Ram and Sita were seen by
Sati in one universal form and attire as compared to the varied forms and different
attires of the rest of the gods and goddesses. This sight was in conformity with the
philosophy of the scriptures that the Supreme Being is steady, constant, uniform,
unchanging and universal.]
Œπ ¡„°U Ä°U ⁄ÉÊȬÁUà ¡Ã– ‚ÁÄÃã„ ‚Á„à ‚∑ ‹ ‚È⁄ Ãà H 1H
¡Ëfl ø⁄Êø⁄ ¡Ê ‚¥‚Ê⁄Ê – Œπ ‚∑ ‹ •Ÿ∑ ¬ ̋∑ Ê⁄ÊH 2H
dēkhē jaham̐ taham̐ raghupati jētē. saktinha sahita sakala sura tētē. 1.
jīva carācara jō sansārā. dēkhē sakala anēka prakārā. 2.
She saw the many Gods with their Shaktis (female counterparts; their consorts)
everywhere she saw Lord Ram (“Raghupati”). (1)
Besides them, she also saw all the Jivas (living beings) that inhabit this
world—both those who could move (such as the members of the animal kingdom) as
well as those who could not (the members of the plant kingdom)—in numerous forms
and different stages of evolution. (2)
[Note—In other words, Sati saw the entire creation serving Lord Ram—right from
the gods and goddesses in heaven to the exalted sages and mystics as well as the
members of the animal and plant kingdoms on earth.]