taham̐ puni sambhu samujhi pana āpana. baiṭhē baṭa tara kari kamalāsana. 7.
saṅkara sahaja sarūpu samhārā. lāgi samādhi akhaṇḍa apārā. 8.
When Shiva reached Kailash, he remembered his vows (that he would have nothing to
do with Sati any longer, and would instead spend his days like a lonely hermit or
ascetic). So, he sat down under a banayan tree^1 in a meditative posture known as the
‘lotus posture’. [This is the posture adopted by ascetics when they meditate upon the
‘pure conscious Self’.] (7)
Shiva immersed himself in deep meditation, concentrating his thoughts on his
true Self, the pure consciousness known as the Atma or Soul. In this way, he entered
the state of steady Samadhi—a perpetual state of transcendental existence of
consciousness when the practitioner experiences absolute bliss and tranquility even as
he remains completely unaware of the external world because all his gross organs of
action and perception go to virtual sleep. (8)
[Note—^1 It has been affirmed elsewhere also that the banayan tree is the preferred tree
under the shadow of which Shiva meditates and rests in his abode at Mt. Kailash—
refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line nos. 2-3 that precede Doha no.
Kailash is the well-known abode of Lord Shiva on earth—refer: Ram Charit
Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 8 that precedes Doha no. 105.]
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◊⁄U◊È Ÿ ∑§Ù™§ ¡ÊŸ ∑§¿ÈUU ¡Èª ‚◊ ÁŒfl‚ Á‚⁄UÊ®„UH 58H
satī basahiṁ kailāsa taba adhika sōcu mana māhiṁ.
maramu na kō'ū jāna kachu juga sama divasa sirāhiṁ. 58.
Meanwhile, Sati lived a lonely and forlorn life at Kailash. Her mind and heart were
overcome with worry and grief. The secret of her sorrows was not known to anyone
as she kept quiet and to herself. In this way, days that passed away seemed like long
eras (years; ages) to her. (Doha no. 58)
[Note—Life seemed like a burden to her. There was no one with whom she could
share her pain and woes. Shiva was lost in meditation, and there was an eerie silence
all around. It was like living alone in a cremation ground.
The internal grief and mental agony of a woman whose husband has abandoned
her is portrayed here. Though physically she may be alive, but mentally she feels
herself no better than a dead person. Life becomes a burden for her, and days seem
like ages.]
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