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kahi na jā'i kachu hṛdaya galānī. mana mahum̐ rāmahi sumira sayānī. 5.
jauṁ prabhu dīnadayālu kahāvā. ārati harana bēda jasu gāvā. 6.
tau maiṁ binaya kara'um̐ kara jōrī. chūṭa'u bēgi dēha yaha mōrī. 7.
jauṁ mōrēṁ siva carana sanēhū. mana krama bacana satya bratu ēhū. 8.
The intensity of regret, contrition and grief in the heart of Sati were so huge that they
could not be measured or described. Then, the wise/clever Sati^1 finally sought refuge
with Lord Ram. Thus, she invoked the Lord in her heart by remembering him. (5)
She prayed to him (Lord Ram)—‘Oh Lord! If you are indeed the merciful
Lord so much praised by all and honoured as such by the Vedas who univocally assert
that you eliminate the sorrow and grief of those who seek your refuge and pray to you
for help, (6)---
---Then I join my palms as a sign of submission before you to earnestly plead
with you that let me shed this gross body (with which I have committed such grave
sins, and which will never be accepted by my husband Shiva). (7)
And if I have true devotion and affection for the holy feet of Lord Shiva (like a
loyal wife and true devotee must have), and this statement of mine is true to its core in
all respects, if I am truthfully dedicated to Shiva’s feet with my entire being
employing my Mana (mind and heart), my actions, and my words, (8)---
[Note—^1 Sati has been called “wise or clever” (“Sayaani”—‚ÿÊŸË) because at last she
came to her senses. She has now sought the refuge of Lord Ram, which was a very
intelligent decision on her part. This is because she realised that the best way to seek
pardon for her sins was to surrender before Lord Ram whom she had insulted and
shown disrespect to. This would be the best way to seek forgiveness from her
husband because he had taken more umbrage at her showing disrespect to the Lord
whom he worships (i.e. Lord Ram), rather than her disobeying him (Shiva).
The root of all the trouble was her disbelieving Shiva’s words that Lord Ram was
indeed the Supreme Being who is the almighty Lord of creation. Now, this being the
case, the wise course of action for her was to pray to the ‘Supreme Being’ himself
whom she had insulted. When someone asks to surrender and prays to a senior
Authority, it becomes virtually impossible for the latter to refuse. Committing
mistakes or sins, and then accepting one’s errors and asking to be forgiven, in any
manner that the sinner thinks fit, is a sufficient ground for commuting of punishment.
We shall read below in Doha no. 59 that Sati asks that she be allowed to die because
she was certain her husband, Lord Shiva, would not accept her in her present body
under any circumstance.
Sati’s decision to pray to Lord Ram stood her in good stead as will be clear when
we read a little later that it was Lord Ram who had intervened on her behalf to
persuade Shiva to marry her in her next birth as the daughter of Himwan, the king of
mountains. Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, from Chaupai line no. 4 that
precedes Doha no. 76—to Chaupai line no. 6 that precedes Doha no. 77.]
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