(singke) #1


VII. The Quintessence of Secret Buddhism:

The Five Essential Dharanis

The Dharani: Um Lam (or just Lam)

If one thinks of or recites this word Lam of the pure dharma
realm, it will purify all karmas, root out all sins and accomplish
all actions. Whether in the countryside or in the home, all things
will be peaceful. D i r t y clothing and body are purified. Using
water to clean will not achieve such purity. The word Lam of the
dharma realm is to purify, and that is why Lam is called a vase of
purification. It is compared to a magic pill. It changes iron to
gold. One word of the Dharani can change pollution into purity.
Consider this verse:

RA has the color of pure white

Above RA is a solemn circle

(The Sanskrit word RA with the circle above it changes it

into the word L A M )

Similar to a pearl on the crown

The Dharani goes with the dharma

Innumerable sins are eliminated.

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