Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

(C. Jardin) #1

astrophysical, 295
joining, in mode conversion, 249

magnetic curvature, 271
Kelvin vorticity theorem, 463
kink, 323
kink instability, 325, 331
diamagnetic or paramagnetic?, 335
Korteweg-de Vries equation, 455
Kruskal-Shafranov stability criterion,

Lagrange multipliers, 58
Lagrange’s equation, 64
electromagnetic, 64
Landau damping, 169
and entropy, 413
Landau problem, 153
Langmuir probe, 56
Langmuir wave, 129
Laplace transform, 155
and ballistic term, 415
Laplace’s equation, 265
Larmor radius
poloidal, 285
laser fusion, 458
Lawson criterion, 296
leap-frog numerical integration, 25
lightning bolt, 200
line-averaged density, 131
linear mode conversion, 241
linearization, general method, 123
loss-cone, 87
lower hybrid frequency, 186
Lundquist number, 381
Lundquist solution, 358

axis, 283
diffusion, 364
islands, 376
reconnection, 360
shear, 305

magnetic field
force-free, 268
minimum energy, 343
most general axisymmetric, 279
pressure, 268
reconnection in sheared field, 371
Solov’ev solution, 282
tension, 268
vacuum, 265
magnetic field curvature, 271
magnetic helicity, 320, 336, 345
association with current-driven in-
stability, 319
conservation equation, 321, 357
conservation of, 341
global, 322
linkage, 336
linked ribbons, 358
twist, 338
magnetic mirror, 84
magnetic moments
density of, 92
magnetic pressure, 268
magnetic stress tensor, 271
magnetic tension, 268
magnetization, 92
magnetofluid, definition of, 306
magnetoplasmadynamic thruster, 290
magnetron, 481
Manley-Rowe relations, 430
Maxwellian distribution
definition of, 44
MHD equations
derivation of, 46
Ohm’s law, derivation of, 47
MHD with neutrals, 60
minimum energy
frozen-influx, 272
minimum energy magnetic field, 343
moments of distribution function, 33
momentum conservation
in nonlinear waves, 399
mu conservation, 81
mu, definition of, 82

National Ignition Facility, 459

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