Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

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go to anotherfloor.It also providesmore flexibility in changingequipmentand
product flow.Froma sanitationstandpoint it is more efficientin separating raw
materials fromproduct in process and finished goods,therebyreducing the
potentialfor cross-contamination. It allowsa simpler straight-lineflowand there
is less areato coverduring sanitation and maintenance. Multistorystructures
may be required whengravity flow systems are needed. Multistory structures do
present unique sanitationand maintenance problemsthat mustbe addressed
during the design stage.

7.4 Watersupply and wastedisposal..

The site musthaveadequatesupplies of potablewater(water suitablefor human
consumption) available throughout the year, even for future expansion.
Incoming waterlinesmustbe designedfor the necessary volumesand pressure
required. If the pressureis not sufficient thana storagetankand boosterpumps
will be required.
Plantwastedisposal (both sanitarysewage and processwater) requirements
or capabilities will haveto be takeninto consideration. Wasteprocesswater
often contains significant amounts of organic material that increases the
biologicaloxygendemand(BOD)and chemical oxygendemand(COD). This
can causeproblems at off-site or on-sitesewagetreatmentplants.Discharge into
rivers is tightlycontrolled by government environmentalagencies so on-site
treatmentmaybe required.Solidwastehandling(especiallyin the vegetable,
fruitand produce processingindustries)requirescarefulplanningso it will not
become a sanitationproblem. Wastefroma foodplant alwayshas the potential
for being an attractantto rodents,birds,and insects.Neverposition wastedrain
lines(processor sanitary)overfoodproducts or foodcontact surfaces. These
lineswill probably leakone day and contaminate areasbelowthe lines.
All the aboveitems must be takenintoconsiderationwhen planningthe
facility and if any are present, the properdesignprecautionsmust be taken.

7.5 Landscapingand the surroundingarea

Once the new facilityis completedor an existingfacilityis consideredthereis
usually a planto landscapethe grounds. Specialconsiderationsmust be given
when landscapingaround a foodprocessingfacility.Manyexistingfacilities
being considered by a processor for expanding their lines that were not
originallydesignedas a foodplanthaveveryattractivelandscapingbut are not
suitable for a correctlydesignedfoodprocessingfacility.
Sanitary landscapingwill helpcontrolrodents by deprivingthemof places to
live (harborage) and keepingdustto a minimum. The landscaping should not
includeany pondsor streamsthat attractbirds, insects and rodents. The threatof
Salmonellainfestation is a concern whenthesepestsare attracted to a site. The

128 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry
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