Finally, thereis no section headed `FoodHygiene' in this chapterbecause
GMP does not treat food hygieneas a compartmentalised topic but as a
continuous thread underlyingevery aspect.
21.2 Effectivemanufacturingoperationsand foodcontrol
Everyaspectof the manufacturingoperationmustbe properlyspecifiedin advance
and systematicallyreviewed regularly,including all resources andfacilities,
premisesand space,equipment,trainedpeople,raw materials,packagingmaterials,
criticalcontrolpoints,managementand supervision,and services(see Table21.2).
And,criticallyimportant,thesemustbe providedin the rightquantities,at the right
timesand places;and the thoroughnessand effectivenessof theiruse mustbe
To ensure that manufacturingoperationsgo according to planit is essential
∑ relevant written proceduresare providedto operators,in instructionalform
and in clearand unambiguouslanguage,and are specifically applicableto the
facilities provided;
∑ operators are trainedto carryout the procedurescorrectly;
∑ recordsare made(whethermanuallyor by recordinginstruments or both)
during all stages of manufacture, which demonstrate that all the steps
required by the definedprocedures werein fact carriedout, and that the
quantityand qualityproducedwerethose expected;
∑ a traceabilitysystemis in placeto identify and trackall inputs into,and
outputsfrom,the manufacturingprocess;
∑ recordsare madeand retained in legible and accessible formto enable the
historyof the manufacture and distributionof a batchto be traced;
Table21.2 Effectivemanufacturingoperations
Everyaspectof manufacturefullyspecifiedin advance;all resourcesand facilities
∑ measuresand precautionsat CriticalControlPointsbasedon hazardanalysis
∑ adequatepremisesand space
∑ correctand adequatelymaintainedequipment
∑ appropriatelytrainedpeople
∑ correctraw materialsand packagingmaterials
∑ appropriatestorageand transportfacilities
∑ writtenoperationalproceduresand cleaningschedules
∑ appropriatemanagementand supervision
∑ adequatetechnical,administrativeand maintenanceservices
Goodmanufacturing practice(GMP)in the foodindustry 327