Quality Money Management : Process Engineering and Best Practices for Systematic Trading and Investment

(Michael S) #1



Chapter 1

  1. Drucker, Peter F. 2002. “ The Discipline of Innovation. ” Harvard Business Review. August.

  2. Hamilton, Dane. 2006. “ S & P may form hedge fund operational risk service. ” Reuters. December 20.

  3. Goetsch and Davis. 2000. Quality Management: Introduction to Total Quality Management for
    Production, Processing and Services. 3rd edition (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall).

  4. Deming, W. Edwards. 1982. Out of the Crisis. Cambridge, MA: MIT/CAES.

  5. Deming, W. Edwards. 2000. The New Economics. 2nd edition. Cambridge, MA: MIT/CAES.

  6. Smith, Larry R. 2001. “ Six Sigma and the evolution of quality in product development. ” Six Sigma
    Forum Magazine. November. web.archive.org/web/20020612074338/http://www.asq.org/pub/

  7. Wilmott, Paul. 2006. “ The use, misuse and abuse of mathematics in finance. ” Submission for:
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  8. Thomke, Stefan. 2002. “ Innovation at 3 M Corporation (A). ” Harvard Business Review. July 23, p. 2.

  9. http://www.SAS.com , http://www.sas.com/corporate/worklife/index.html

  10. Brogan, John A. 1973. Clear Technical Writing. McGraw-Hill. p. xi.

  11. Cascio, Joseph. 1996. The ISO 14000 Handbook. Fairfax, VA: CEEM Information Services, p. 200.

  12. Martin, Robert C. 2003. Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns and Practices.

  13. Webb, Andy. 2004. “ High frequency automated trading. ” AIMA Journal. December.

  14. Hoffman, Douglas. 2002. Managing Operational Risk. Wiley Finance. New York.

  15. Shafer, Don. 2004. “ Software risk: why must we keep learning from experience? ” Dynamic
    Positioning Conference. September 28 – 30.

  16. Hulett, David. 2007. Hulett and Associates, LLC. http://www.projectrisk.com/Welcome/ProjectRisk

  17. Goetsch, David L., and Stanley B. Davis. 2000. Quality Management. 3rd edition. Prentice-Hall.

  18. McGrath Goodman, Leah. 2006. “ Algorithmic trading inflates costs. ” Wall Street Journal. Monday,
    September 25.

  19. Hamilton, Dane, quoting Paul Roth, partner in Schulte Roth & Zabel. 2006. “ S & P may form hedge
    fund operational risk service. ” Reuters. Dec. 20.

  20. Bogle, John C. 2005. The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism. Yale University Press. p. xxii.

  21. Pyzdek, Thomas. 2006. Six Sigma and Beyond. “ The value of Six Sigma. ” http://www.isixsigma.
    com/offsite.asp?A  Fr & Url  http://www.qualitydigest.com/dec99/html/sixsigma.html

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