Microsoft PowerPoint - aat_in_depth.pptx

(Tina Meador) #1


copyright J.Paul Getty Trust

Introduction to the AAT

revised May 2019 For educational purposes


Translation N/AIn a limited number of cases, the tr

anslating project may use

the source English descr

iptor as the target

language descriptor, even if they cannot

find the English term translated

in target language sources as a loan

term. One factor in using this met

hod rather than coining a term may be t

hat the user audience in the target

Literal translations as coined termsConstruct a language generally understands English

coined term

in the target language for the

purpose of translation, generally

by translating the word

or words of the term from the sour

ce to the target language, but without

authoritative warrant in the target

Loan terms Fill the gap with a language, which is required for a loan term

loan term

. A loan term is a foreign word or phr

ase that is routinely used instead of a

translation of the term into the

native language. Including a loan term r

equires that use of the term is

found in authoritative sources in the target language
If there is no exact equivalent in the target

language, use one of the following solutions:

Patricia Harpring © 2019 J. Paul Getty Trus

t. For educational purposes. Do not reproduce.
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