110 Is The Bible God’s Word?
II K IN G S 19
ND it came to pass, when king
l H6z-e-ki'-ah heard it, that he
self with sackcloth, and went into rent his clothes, and covered him
the house of the 2 And he sent E-li'-a-kim, whichLord.
was over the household, and Shebna
the scribe, and the elders of the
priests, covered with sackcloth, toIsaiah the prophet the son of Amoz.
saith H6z-e-ki'-ah, This day 3 And they said unto him, Thusis a day^
of trouble, and of rebuke, and blas
phemy : for the children are come to
the birth, and to bring forth.there is not strength
5 So the servants of king H6z-e-
ki'-ah came to Isaiah.
10 Thus shall ye speak to H&z-e-
ki'-ah king of Judah, saying. Let
deceive thee, saying, Jerusalem shallnot thy God in whom thou trustest^
not be delivered into the hand of the
king of Assyria.
the kings of Assyria have done to11 Behold, thou hast heard what
all lands, by destroying them utter
ly: and shall thou be delivered?
delivered them which my fathers12 Have the gods of the nations
have destroyed; aj Gozan, and Ha-
of Eden which ran, and Rezeph, and the childrenwere in Thel'-a-^
14 1i And Hez-e-kt'-ah received
the letter of the hand of the messen
gers. and read it: and Hezekiahwent up into the house of the Lord, (^)
and spread it before the Lord.
fore the 15 And H6z-€-ki'-ah prayed beLord, and said, O Lord
God of Israel, which dwellest be
tween the ch£r'-u-bims, thou art the
God, even thou alone, of all the
kingdoms of the earth; thou hastmade heaven and earth.
36 So S£n-nad)'-£r-ib king Qf ^ s
Syria departed, and went and re
turned, and dwelt at Nin'-4-vgh.
37 And it came to pass, as he was
worshipping in the house of Nis'-rdfih his god, that A-dram'-mfc-lfccb
ana Sha-r£'-z4r his sons smote him
with the sword: and they escapedinto the land of Armenia. And (^)
E-sar-had'-don his son reigned in
his stead.
A AND Hfcz-€-kl'-ah heard it came to pass, when king it, that he
rent his clothes, and covered him
self with sackcloth, and went into
the house of the Lord.
*-aj over the household, and Shebna^2 And he sent E-lI'-a-kim, who
the scribe, and the elders of the
priests covered with sackcloth, un
to Isaiah the prophet the son of
Amoz.3 And they said unto him, Thus
saith Hfcz-e-ki'-ah, This day is a day
of trouble, and of rebuke, and ofblasphemy: for the children are
come to the birth, and there is not
strength to bring forth.
ki'-ah came to Isaiah.5 So the servants of king Hfcz-e-^
10 Thus shall ye speak to H6z-e-
ki'-ah king of Judah, saying, Let not
thy God, in whom thou trustest, deceive thee, saying, Jerusalem shall
not be given into the hand of the
king of Assyria.
the kings of Assyria have done to all11 Behold, thou hast heard what^
lands by destroying them utterly;
and shall thou be delivered?
12 Have the gods of the nations
delivered them which my fathershave destroyed, as Gozan, and Har- (^)
an, and Rezeph, and the children
of Eden which were in Tfc-las'-sar?
14 TI And H4z-€-kl'-ah received
the letter from the hand of the mes
sengers, and read it: and Hezekiahwent up unto the house of the Lord, (^)
and spread it before the 15 And Hfcz-€-ki'-ah prayed unto Lord.
the Lord, saying,
rael, that dwellest 16 O Lord of hosts, God of Isbetween the chfcr'-
D-bims, thou art the God, even thou
alone, of all the kingdoms of the
earth: thou hast made heaven andearth.
Assyria departed, and went and re37 H So SSn-nacb'-^r-ib king of^
turned, and dwelt at Nin'-i-vih.
worshipping in the house of Nis'-38 And it came to pass, as he was^
rd£h his god, that A-dr&m'-mi-lfccb
and Shi-ri'-rfr his sons smote himwith the sword; and (hey escaped (^)
into the land of Armenia: and
sar-h&d'-dQn his son reigned in his
These verses are culled from the Authorised Version, but you will find the same in every