The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
The Booh Christened 'The New Testament 109

identical with the verses in their Bibles. Again and again they
chorused — “Yeh!”, “Yeh!”. At the end of the chapter with the Bible
still open in my hands at the place from which 1 had been reading, 1
made the Chairman to reveal to the audience that I was not reading
from Isaiah 37 at all but from 2 KINGS 19! There was a terrible
consternation in the audience! I had thus established 100% plag­
iarism in the “Holy Bible.” (See next page)

In other words, Isaiah 37 and 2 Kings 19 are identical word for word.
Yet they have been attributed to two different authors, centuries
apart, whom the Christians claim have been inspired by God.

Who is copying from whom? Who is stealing from whom? The 32
renowned Bible scholars of the RSV say that the author of the
Book of Kings is “ UNKNOW N!” See page 139 for a repro­
duction from the RSV by “ Collins’”. These notes on the Bible were
prepared and edited by the Right Rev. David J. Fant, Litt. D., General
Secretary of the New York Bible Society. Naturally, if the Most
Reverend gentlemen of Christendom had an iota of belief about
the Bible being the Word of God, they would have said so, but
they honestly (shamefacedly?) confess: “ Author — UNKNOWN!”
They are prepared to pay lip-service to Scriptures which could have
been penned by any Tom, Dick or Harry and expect everyone to
regard these as the Word of God — Heaven forbid!
(For a complete list of all the books of the Bible and their authors,
avail yourself of the “ Collins’” R.S.V. ‘with’ its annotations). What
have Christian scholars to say about the “ Book of Isaiah?” They
WRITTEN BY OTHERS.” In view of the confessions of Bible scholars,
we will not take poor Isaiah to task. Can we then nail this
plagiarism on the door of God? What blasphemy! Professor Cumptsy
confirmed at question time, at the end of the aforementioned
symposium that the “ Christians do not believe in a verbal
inspiration of the Bible.” So God Almighty had not absent-
mindedly dictated the same tale twice! Human hands, all too human,
had played havoc with this so-called Word of God — the Bible. Yet,
Bible-thumpers will insist that “every word, comma and full stop of
the Bible is God’s Word!”

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