The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Combal Kil 39


  1. JEWS: A rebellious people 60

  2. KETURAH: The third wife of Abraham 61

  3. MASSACRE: At the hands of the lews 61

  4. MELCHISEDEK: Outshines Jesus (pbuh) 62
    33. MESSIAH: By the dozens in the Bible 62
    34. MUHUMMED (PBUH) in the Bible 63
    35. ONANISM: Mankind’s common trait 64
    36. ORIGINAL SIN: The Christian Dogma 64
    37. PAUL: Full of cunning and guile 65
    38. PIGS: Look for “swine” in the index 65
    39. POLYGAMY: Most prophets were polygamous 65
    40. PROPHECIES: Unfulfilled 66
    41. PROPHETS (BUT NAKED): An indictment of prophethood 66
    42. RAPE: Brother rapes sister, and son rapes his mothers 67
    43. SABBATH: A standing insult to God 67
    44. SARAH: God visits her? 68
    45. SLAVERY: Sanctioned by God 68
    46. SODOMY: Cause of this sickness 68
    47. SONS OF GOD: God has them by the tons ir. the Bible 69
    48. TRINITY: A pagan invention 70
    49. SWINE: Flesh of the swine forbidden 71
    50. WINE: Look for “Alcohol" in the index 71
    51. WHORING: See under ’Israelites" in the index 71
    52. WOMEN: Chauvinistic treatment 71
    53. WORD OF GOD: Not to be added to or deleted from 72
    54. WORSHIP; Synonymous with respect, revere, adore, adulate 72

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