Picture Yourself Making Jewelry and Beading

(Wang) #1

12.Use the fine grit sanding pad to go over the
surface of the leaf shape to give it some
organic texture and to achieve a brushed
finish on the surface. You could also use a
steel brush, green kitchen scrubber, the
hammering technique from project #8,
or the concrete textured technique from
Chapter 6 for the surface finish on the
leaf shape.

13.Decide where you would like the leaf “vein”
placement to be. You can use a marker to
draw where you would like them or just
randomly place them on the leaf shape.

14.Put on your safety glasses! Place the leaf
shape onto a hard, flat surface. I use masking
tape on the tip to hold the leaf shape in
place while I am stamping the veins into it.
Place the tip of the flat screwdriver onto the
leaf shape and strike the top of the flat
screwdriver once. If you strike the top of the
screwdriver multiple times, it is likely to
jump across the surface of the leaf shape
and leave marks on the surface that you had
not intended. If that happens, consider it a
learning experience and adjust your original

15.Apply liver of sulfur or an oxidizing solution
to the leaf shape and oval jump rings. It is
very important to follow any safety recom-
mendations that the manufacturer suggests
when using any chemicals.
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