Picture Yourself Making Jewelry and Beading

(Wang) #1

7.Use the round nose pliers to grasp the end of
the rectangle wire at the opposite end of the
wire from where the holes were drilled. Hold
the end of the rectangle wire in the jaws of
the round nose pliers and, with your other
hand, bend the rectangle wire around the
pliers forming the spiral. When you are bend-
ing the area of the rectangle wire where you
have drilled the holes, the wire will bend
more easily than where no holes have been
drilled. Use caution when bending the rec-
tangle wire in that area. You may want to use
a pair of chain nose pliers to hold the rectan-
gle wire where the holes have been drilled.
When you have formed the spiral, the holes
that were drilled into the rectangle wire
should be on opposite sides of the spiral.

8.Place a head pin through the hole drilled
into one side of the rectangle wire spiral with
the bottom or flat end on the inside curve of
the rectangle wire spiral. Use the ruler to
measure and mark the head pin^5 ⁄ 16 ” above
the rectangle wire. With wire cutters or tin
snips, cut the head pin wire^5 ⁄ 16 ” above the
top of the rectangle wire.

9.Using the chain nose pliers, bend the head
pin wire next to the rectangle wire at a 90-
degree angle.
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