Picture Yourself Making Jewelry and Beading

(Wang) #1

Ancient Elements Chapter 6

6.The silver rectangles will have a slight curve
to them, and the edges will be misshapen
and sharp after you texture them. You can
leave the silver rectangles curved or, to flat-
ten them, place the silver rectangles on a
hard, flat surface and use a rawhide mallet
to flatten them. If you do not have a rawhide
mallet, you can place the silver rectangles on
a hard, flat surface, cover the pieces with a
thick piece of scrap leather, and use a ham-
mer to gently tap the leather covered silver
rectangles to flatten them.

7.You will need to use a file to eliminate any
rough or sharp edges. Use a fine grit sanding
pad to go over the area where you have filed
to smooth the edges and remove any file

5.With a hammer, gently strike the tape-covered
silver rectangles using a firm strike, but don’t
hit too hard. You can achieve the desired tex-
ture more easily with multiple soft strikes
rather than a few hard strikes. Lift the tape
frequently and check the progress of the tex-
turing, making sure that the entire surface of
the silver rectangles is getting a uniform tex-
ture. The surface will look similar to sandpa-
per if you are using a concrete block. When
you achieve the desired texture, remove the
silver rectangles from the masking tape.

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