Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1

Course Seven: Lore 343

Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart (1948–) is a
Witch, Priestess, and Goddess his-
torian—famous for her rituals,
songs, poetry, and her large collec-
tion of Goddess figurines. She met
her soulmate, Oberon, at the 1973
Gnostic Aquarian Festival in Min-
neapolis, and they were married the
following Spring. She helped pro-
duce Green Egg magazine and the
living unicorns. She founded Mythic
Images, producing museum replicas and original in-
terpretations of ancient goddesses and gods. Morning
Glory has created ceremonies of every kind and scale,
from simple rites of passage to spectacular events, such
as the 1979 solar eclipse at the Stonehenge replica in
the Oregon Dalles. Her journeys have taken her to the
Blue Mountains of Australia, the depths of the Coral
Sea, the jungles of New Guinea, the ruins of ancient
Greece, the caves of Crete, and the Taoist temples of

Luc Sala (1949–), Mage of Am-
sterdam, holds office in the
Kalvertower at his MySTeR temple
of kindness. He has been very vis-
ible in the Mundane world with his
own television channel and many
activities in the computer world, but also roams the
other worlds under the name of Lucifar. He believes
that “a bit is only information if it bytes” and that the
science of Magick is about investigating what really
touches us. Information is beyond mere data, even be-
yond the concept of transmitting a message; it is when
we open ourselves up to that magickal realm of con-
nectedness. The world we experience is just superfi-
cially governed by the laws of causality and reason; at
a deeper level, the laws of Magick rule. Luc sees the
revival of Magick and the acceptance of the conscious-
ness dimension(s) as the major work for this century.
[email protected].

Raven Grimassi (1951–) is the
author of nine books on Witch-
craft and Wicca, including the
award-winning titles The Wiccan
Mysteries and The Encyclopedia
of Wicca & Witchcraft. Raven has
been a practitioner and teacher of Witchcraft for more
than 30 years. He is a popular lecturer and speaker at
Pagan conventions and festivals throughout the U.S.
Raven is currently the director of the Arician Tradition
of Witchcraft and co-director of a Mystery school
known as The College of the Crossroads. It is Raven’s
life work to preserve and teach the pre-Christian Euro-
pean roots of Pagan religion. He lives in southern Cali-
fornia on a ranch in the countryside where he maintains
a sacred grove to the Goddess and God of the Old

Religion and a shrine to Ceres, the Goddess of the
Mysteries, on whose festival day he was born.

Donald Michael Kraig (1951–)
graduated from UCLA with a degree
in philosophy. He also studied public
speaking and music at other colleges
and universities. After a decade of
personal study and practice, he taught
courses in southern California on top-
ics including Kabbalah, Tarot,
Magick, and Tantra before writing his
best-known book, Modern Magick, a step-by-step in-
troduction to practical magick. His other books include
Modern Sex Magick and Tarot & Magic, and his writ-
ing has appeared in numerous magazines, journals, and
books. Donald has given lectures and workshops all
over the U.S., has been a member of several spiritual
and magickal groups, and is an initiated Tantric. He has
been a professional musician, taught computer skills at
USC, is a member of Hollywood’s Magic Castle, and is
currently studying for a doctorate in clinical hypnotherapy.

Ellen Evert Hopman (Willow)
(1952–) is a Pagan author, a master
herbalist, and a Druid Priestess.
She is the author of several books
and videos on herb craft and Druid
wisdom including Tree Medi-
cine—Tree Magic (on the herbal
and magickal properties of trees), A Druid’s Herbal
(Druid medicine and lore of herbs), Being A Pagan
(with Lawrence Bond, a book about what it means to
be a Wiccan, a Witch, or a Druid in the world today),
and Walking The World In Wonder—A Children’s
Herbal (a book of herbal formulas and recipes suit-
able for children of ALL ages). Her videos Gifts From
the Healing Earth, Vol. I and II will teach you the
basics of herbal healing and her video “Pagans” cov-
ers the eight festivals of the Pagan Wheel of the Year.

Marybeth Witt (Lady Pythia)
(1952–) is an elder of the Craft and
Covenant of the Goddess, having
acted as a past national officer. She
is a published poet, former univer-
sity English teacher, and singer/
songwriter (Earth Magick, Moon
Magick). In serving as the High
Priestess of the former Coven of the Floating Spiral, she
has devoted her life to the pursuit of knowledge, com-
passion, and wisdom as a Witchmage in service to the
Goddess and Gods and all of the children of Mother
Earth. Lady Pythia has participated in many political
workings for Mother Earth, including both ecological
and anti-war activism throughout the country.

  1. Lore.p65 343 1/15/2004, 9:38 AM

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