Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1
Katlyn Breen (1953-) has been
creating sacred art, dance, and ritual
for over 27 years. Her art is a mani-
festation of her beliefs and can be
seen in places of worship around the
world. She is currently the owner and
creator of Mermade Magickal Arts,
which makes fine hand-blended in-
cense and oils, and she is the author
and illustrator of many books on
spiritual arts and folklore. She is also the co-founder/
creator of the “Road to Eleusis,” an initiatory and trans-
formational retreat based on the Mysteries of ancient
Greece at Eleusis (since 1991). Now in Nevada , Katlyn
is the founder and Priestess of Desert Moon Circle—
a spiritual community based on the Mysteries of the
Sacred Wheel. Katlyn serves as an advisor to the
Firedance gathering and holds degrees in several dif-
ferent traditions. She and her husband Michael, known
as Zingaia, create techno-tantra-trance music dedicated
to sacred lovers and to the Goddess in all Her many

Jesse Wolf Hardin (1954-)
is a Gaian Wizard, contempo-
rary spiritual teacher, artist, mu-
sician, and author of numerous
books, such as Full Circle
(1991) and Kindred Spirits: Sa-
cred Earth Wisdom (2001). His
two decades of public appear-
ances have helped birth both a new Gaian theosophy
and ecological ethic, resulting in recordings of spo-
ken word and music including The Enchantment by
GaiaTribe. Wolf’s artwork and articles have united the
principles of primal mindfulness, Earthen Spirituality,
and personal activism like none before. He was a core
columnist for Green Egg and currently appears in
Magical Blend, Circle Nature Spirituality Quarterly,
and Talking Leaves. Most of each year, Wolf is home
on his enchanted New Mexico wildlife sanctuary, an
ancient place of power where he teaches students,
resident interns, and apprentices the art of practical
magick, wildlands restoration, and Earth-centered spiri-
tual practice.

Jeff “Magnus” McBride
(1959-) For the past 30 years, Jeff
has traveled the world as a perfor-
mance magician and educator in
ritual theater. He is especially
known for his extensive magical
work with masks. Jeff has been
seen on many TV specials, including ABC’s Champi-
ons of Magic, NBC’s Worlds Greatest Magic, and
PBS’ The Art of Magic, and also on the Discovery
Channel’s Mysteries of Magic, where Jeff served as a
consultant on shamanism and ritual magic. Jeff has

been voted Magician of the Year by Hollywood’s Magic
Castle. He is also founder of The Mystery School of
Magic, a yearly conference for the advanced study of
magical arts. Jeff has been facilitating ritual theater
events at festivals throughout the world for the past

Ian “Lurking Bear” Anderson (1959-) says:
“It has been a good life so far. I
have escaped Muggle reality and
I have danced with wild Witches
in the moonlit hills. I have played
harp in forest glades and wandered
the mossy rainforest of Alaska. I
have walked among ancient stand-
ing stones and climbed mountains.
I have marched and taken action for causes I believe in
and hitchhiked across vast distances. I am a poet, com-
puter programmer, chaos musician, opportunistic trick-
ster, mountain man, and spiritual explorer. My essays
and poetry have appeared in Green Egg, Green Man,
Enchante, and Witch Eye. I currently lurk in the moun-
tains of far northern California.”

Trish Telesco (1960-) is a mother
of three, wife, chief human to five
pets, and a full-time author with
numerous books on the market.
These include Goddess in my
Pocket, How to Be a Wicked Witch,
Kitchen Witch’s Cookbook, Little
Book of Love Magic, Your Book of Shadows, Spin-
ning Spells: Weaving Wonders, and other diverse titles,
each of which represents a different area of spiritual
interest. Trish considers herself a down-to-earth
Kitchen Witch whose love of folklore and worldwide
customs flavor every spell and ritual. While her Wiccan
education was originally self-trained and self-initiated,
she later received initiation into the Strega tradition of
Italy, which gives form and fullness to the folk magick
Trish practices. Her strongest beliefs lie in following
personal vision, being tolerant of other traditions, mak-
ing life an act of worship, and being creative so that
magick grows with you.

Todd Karr (1965-) brings a
magickal sense of design to the lav-
ish books he creates through his
company, The Miracle Factory.
Collaborating with artist Katlyn
Breene, he has published an ac-
claimed series of elegant books for
magicians with sales worldwide.
After studies at the Sorbonne and USC, Todd wrote
for the Los Angeles Times before moving to Paris as a
full-time magician. Todd is also author of Backyard
Magic (1996), a unique children’s book of magick with

344 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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