Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1

Epilogue: Commencement

learned well the lessons contained therein. Congratulations! You have com-
pleted your Apprenticeship, and are now ready to begin your next phase as a
Journeyman Wizard. Now I would like to offer you a few final words of wisdom from
various members of the Grey Council and others, who have been your teachers
throughout these lessons. Think of these as “graduation ceremony speeches”...
And to continue and deepen your education in Wizardry, as well as meet other
students, go to the Grey School of Wizardry website at:

your skills. As you walk the path of a Wizard you will
have essential companions on your journey. Compan-
ions who must be fed, protected and listened to. These
companions are your courage, your compassion, your
curiousness and your generosity. Keep yourself in
the company of these fine companions, respecting
and honoring them, so they can grow and become
stronger each day, and you will be well on your way to
becoming a Great Wizard.
Skill in the Magical Arts is essential for a Wizard,
but it is in combining your skills with your compan-
ions of courage, compassion, curiosity and generos-
ity that you will find the deeper magic that beckons
the Universe to reveal its secrets to you. Listen with
all your senses, See with every cell in your body, and
Touch gently the true essence in all things.
Magical Blessings!

What it Takes
By Herman B. Triplegood
To be a High Magician, a True Wizard, a Herme-
tologist and Philosopher of Nature, a Mathemantician
and a Thaumaturgist, I say, believe in yourself. Be-
lieve in the Power of your Threefold Magickal Action.
It takes that engagement to the Kryptic Play, which
follows with the Kryptic Edge of the Mytho-mantic
Weave that preceded it, the Weave by which you now
emerge as the Wizard that you are meant to be. All it
really takes to be a Wizard is to act like one.

The Divine Fool
By Ian Lurking Bear Anderson
The Tarot Fool is typically shown stepping over
the edge of a cliff blithely disregarding consequences
or warnings. This may seem crazy, but it is an essential
step in the Wizard’s path. Somewhere in there, if we
truly wish to live not confined by everybody else’s
sense of reality, we must take the fool’s step into the
unknown, indeed, the unknowable. There are times in
the Wizard’s path to be cautious, to meditate, to study,
to seek visions, but these alone will not suffice to
make you a true Wizard until you are ready to take the
Fool’s step. It may be a step outside the bounds of what
has been socially acceptable, it may be a step outside of
what is scientifically respectable, it may be a step out-

By Oberon Zell-Ravenheart
Live each moment as if it’s a scene in the movie
that will someday be made of your life—for it is. When
an adventure comes knocking at your door to invite
you along, go for it!
Realize that great achievements involve great risk.
Never forget: “With great power comes great respon-
sibility.” Make every act you do a planting of seeds.
And someday you will reap the harvest... For a true
Wizard always sees and keeps in mind the wider per-
spective, the long view—the “Big Picture.”
Never stop learning. Everyone and every thing is
your teacher. Especially, learn the rules so you’ll know
how to break them properly!
When you realize you’ve made a mistake (and
you will!—we all do), take immediate steps to correct
it. It takes true greatness to admit when you’re wrong,
apologize and atone. This is how we learn, and grow.
Make your decisions based on whether or not
this will be something you will be proud to tell your
own children someday, when they are your age. Con-
sider—would you be proud of your own father (or
mother) for doing this? Ask yourself: “Will I later re-
gret doing this; or will I later regret not doing it?”
Base your choices not upon your fears, but rather
your hopes. Not on what you fear might happen, but
on what you hope will happen. This is the secret of
living a magickal life.
The answers to life’s questions lie within you. All
you need to do is look within, listen to your heart, and
trust in your own magick. Most often, the answer is
I, the Grey Council, and countless generations of
Wizards before us, have provided you with knowl-
edge and tools to change the world into a better place
than you found it. Go forth now, and do so.
The power is yours. And so are the choices of
how to use it.

By Abby Willowroot
Congratulations on selecting this book and fol-
lowing the lessons contained herein. You are on your
way to realizing your Wizardly gifts and developing

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