Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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I offer you the motto that was carved upon the
entrance to the Oracle of Delphi— This Maxim is one
of the most important in the study of all of the Magicks,
and a guide through all of the Magickal Paths:
Within these two simple words is the greatest
guide for your studies, not only here, but in all of
life...for they relate to another of Magick’s greatest
To that, you can extrapolate, as within, so with-
out. You will find the universe within you. This book
has given you many tools which you may use upon
your journey, but eventually, even the tools will be-
come just sacred extensions of ways you will think
and relate to the world, manners in which you will
learn not only cause and effect, but also the great
responsibility which comes from how all people,
magickal or mundane, use their personal power.
We are here not just to serve ourselves, but to
serve humanity. When we forget that, and use power
over others without regard for how it will affect them,
the Law of Return guarantees that we will learn what it
is to be treated in the same manner. We ask that you
always remember the spark of the Divine, the principle
of Life within all persons and beings, and within all of
May you learn, as all of us have, that every time
you think you’ve “got” it, that the universe will re-
mind you that you have ever so much more to learn.
And what a joy THAT is!! We are all eternal scholars,
for the pursuit of knowledge of all the Magicks, and
the world, of Nature and her Elements, is endless.
Be humble in your path, which doesn’t mean be-
ing a doormat. Learn when compromise is essential—
do not let pride be a shield behind which you hide
your human vulnerabilities and fears of inadequacy—

for true pride is silently acknowledging what you are
and are becoming—not how much “Power” you or
others believe you have. And Compassion will be one
of your most powerful tools for seeing into the heart
of things, including yourself.
Keep alive the Child within you, for that child-self
will allow you to be ever curious and filled with joy
and wonder at new discoveries!
Above all, we are here to serve in the evolution of
human consciousness, beyond the study of the mind
and its abilities—a field which is growing incredibly in
your lifetime. We are merely the Forerunners of those
who are yet to come.
You may be one of those for whom our Paths
have been readying the ever-changing world. As you
examine the different planes, and imagine yourself
holding this delicate and beautiful swirling blue planet,
hold Her gently. May you be a caretaker for Mother
Earth, for She greatly needs all of us—and She is in
your hands, more so than all the other worlds and
layers of reality you will explore. Stay connected to
and cherish the roots you send into Her, even as you
travel afar on the Planes.
May you come to Know Yourself. It is a lifelong
journey, and may the Guardians of Wisdom that in-
habit the Astral, and the Planes of Magick, guard your
questing spirit as you journey to discover the Uni-
verse and its mirror within your own Heart, Mind, Soul,
and Body. Never forget that laughter banishes fear,
and is a necessary tool in life and Magick! You are on
a wonderful journey! Treasure all of it, even the hard
times—for you may gain your greatest strength from
those lessons!
And as you age, and grow, may you know love, a
most sacred gift of being human. Enjoy! Drink Deeply!
And may you never hunger or thirst upon your jour-
ney as the Fool, the first card of the Tarot—who be-
comes, at the end of the Major Arcana, The World, the
Universe, the Multiverse!! Study them, and you will
see the path of the Mage!
Blessed Be!!

By Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart
When you picked up this book and began to read
it, a Gateway opened between the Worlds of the
Magickal and the Mundane. This is the book that you
always wished for, containing the genuine knowledge
possessed by great Wizards. Now that you possess
some of this knowledge for yourself, and you have
completed the First Level, a challenge lies before you—
because all the knowledge in the world is completely
useless without action and experience.
You stand at the Crossroads of Initiation into the
Mystery. With your mind’s eye, look down and you
will see a Magickal Blade lying in the center of the
road. Pick it up. This Knife represents Choice and it is

348 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

Corrected pages 3rd printing.2.p65 69 6/10/2004, 4:04 PM

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