Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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will finish it. As one of the few, you deserve to bask in
the glory that is rightfully yours and feel pride in your
accomplishments. Pause and breathe while you feel
the accolades. Dream about it tonight.
And then you will wake up tomorrow. You will
still have that “other” school to attend. You’ll still
have to deal with friends who want to dump their prob-
lems on you, with some teachers who do not treat you
with respect, with others who tell you what to do with-
out giving you a valid reason. You still will have to
deal with a world that at times seems hostile and cruel.
But now, you have a powerful technology for
dealing with this. The techniques you have learned,
the magick you have mastered, will let you be at peace
and feel balanced when others seem to be crazy. If
you use these techniques and live the life of a
Wizard, you will have the ability to study more
effectively, relate to people more easily, and even
deal more readily with the onerous tasks you
sometimes have to do.
The course of study you have followed
through to the end is absolutely
useless...unless you put it to use.
Not on a festival day. Not on a
weekend. Not when you have the
time. It is only useful if you use it. Every
day. When you do, you will discover that
magick really isn’t something you do,
it’s something that you are. The way
you walk, talk, think, and act will be
Friends and people you meet will become
amazed by the power you have. And you will
have learned a big secret. It is useless to strive for
power over others. It is far more important to have
power over yourself. When you have such power—
power to achieve whatever you want while harming
none and taking nothing from them—you will truly be
strong, independent, and free.
Those are the indications of a real Wizard.

By Ellen Evert Hopman
Now that you have read this book my hope is that
you will use its wisdom to deepen your awareness of
the mystery of life that is all around you. The elements
of Earth, Air, fire, Water and Spirit are found in differ-
ent combinations in everything you see and touch on
this planet.
You are continually surrounded by life, from the
smallest insects, algae and mosses, to the largest
whales, elephants and oak trees. Nature has sur-
rounded you with everything you need; with natural
remedies for your health and with wild foods for your
stomach. She has given you clean air to breathe and
clear rivers to drink from. My hope is that you will
always appreciate these gifts with reverence and awe.

May you never forget the Land Spirits who toil
throughout the year to bring you these miracles, nor
the Great Spirit that encompasses all of life, all lives, in
the universes.
Blessings on your reading, blessings on your jour-
ney, blessings on your future work.

“To Know, to Will, to Dare, to be Silent”
by Raven Grimassi
You begin your Path now, carrying with you the
knowledge that has been shared, passed, and en-
trusted. But know that there is a difference between
knowledge and realization. Knowledge allows you to
see, and it provides you with options. But it does not
compel one to action. You can sit on a railroad
track with the knowledge that a train is com-
ing, and still take no action. But once you
realize that if you don’t move then the
train is going to run you over, you will be
overwhelmingly compelled to take action.
Therefore, understand that knowledge
and realization operate in two distinct
ways. Knowledge allows consid-
eration and reflection, but realiza-
tion calls for action.
As you journey from this day forward it
is my hope, and my wish, that the tools
you have honed through your stud-
ies will bring you to many realizations.
You have heard that the axiom “to
know, to will, to dare, to be silent” are the
words of the Magical Master. To possess
knowledge you must do more than satisfy mere
curiosity. To satisfy knowledge you must study
not only the concept but those things that relate to
the concept. To will, you must endure without yield-
ing to defeat or discouragement. You must discern
your path and then walk it despite its obstacles. To
dare, you must be willing to accept the risks of disfa-
vor and mistreatment that others will seek to burden
you with. You must remain true to the path you walk
regardless of whether the road is smooth or covered
with pits and jagged rocks. To be silent, you must sim-
ply speak your truths without pretension or vanity.
So I encourage you to realize who and what you
are. I encourage you to be a Wizard, not just in mind or
intellect, but also in heart and spirit. In every Age
there are those who make a difference. As you walk
this noble Path, bring this difference to others and to
the world. I envy you the days ahead; it shall be a
glorious adventure!

The Path of the Mage
By Lady Pythia
The life of a Mage is one of eternal questioning—
How do things work? Who am I? Why am I here?
What is my true reason for studying magicks?

Epilog: Commencement 347

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