Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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Course One: Wizardry 49

This most probably played an important role in our
evolution through the notion that symmetrical indi-
viduals are less likely to carry genetic defects. Our
external appearance, like the appearance of most ani-
mals, has one form of symmetry called mirror or re-
flection symmetry, a feature important in moving for-
ward along a straight line between two points in space
(and pursue prey). It is not surprising, therefore, that
symmetry is related to somehow feeling right—to our
appreciation of balance, equilibrium, and, conse-
quently, longevity.
A collection of objects can also display a sym-
metry of a different kind if they are ordered in certain
periodic fashion. Implicit in this form of symmetry is
the satisfaction of having returned to origins where
we have been before, whether it be in space or in time.
At the same time, perhaps it is also less exciting than
a disordered state because of its predictability.

B. Parity: The Force and the Flow
I’m sure you’ve seen the Star Wars movies. The
most important single theme running throughout the
entire saga is that of The Force. In the original movie,
Star Wars Chapter 4: A New Hope, Obi-Wan Kenobi
explains The Force to young Luke Skywalker: “The
Force is what gives the Jedi his power. It’s an energy
field created by all living things. It surrounds us and
penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.” This is a
true and profound insight as far as it goes, but “The
Force” is only one half of the equation. The other half
is equally important. Throughout all aspects of Na-
ture and cosmology there runs a strong “Principle of
Parity.” This means that everything includes its op-
posite, or mirror image. In science, Newton’s Third
Law of Motion states that “For every action, there is
an equal and opposite reaction.” In Oriental Taoism,
this concept is called “Yin and Yang,” illustrated by
this symbol: It is the Sacred Balance that is at the core
of all things.
The Yin-Yang is a
circle divided into two
nested teardrops, rep-
resenting the unity of
apparent opposites.
The Yin represents
the dark, death, the
hidden, Winter, and
female side of the cos-
mos, while the Yang
symbolizes the light, life, ac-
tivity, Summer, and male. Each side contains the es-
sence of the other in the form of a small circle, a little
nucleus, or seed of the opposite.
“The Force” is also expressed as two opposites:
the Light Side vs. the Dark Side (Good and Evil). But
unlike the movie theme of the Light energy of “The
Force” overcoming the Dark Side in Star Wars, in

Nature and Magick they are inseparable. The two sides
dance together in Taoism—and in magick. This is why
we often say that for a Great Truth (like “As Above,
so Below”), its opposite is also true. Left/right, dark/
light, matter/energy, space/time, positive/negative,
active/passive, life/death, creation/destruction, inner/
outer, up/down, hot/cold, expansion/contraction, male/
female, God/Goddess: These dual aspects are all ex-
amples of two halves of greater wholes. They are com-
plimentary opposites, in which each pole implies the
existence of the other. In fact, it is a good exercise
when you see one thing, to try and also see what its
complimentary opposite must be. Say, “On the one
hand...and on the other hand.”
The complimentary opposite of “The Force” is
not the Dark Side of the Force (which is, after all, just
half of The Force itself). It is “The Flow.” The “en-
ergy field created by all living things” is counterbal-
anced by the energy field of non-living things. These
two energies penetrate each other in great simulta-
neous ebbs and flows like the ocean tides. The Force
is carrying us actively forward through time, evolving,
expanding, coming together—tending towards increas-
ing and higher energies, ever-greater complexity, con-
sciousness, and Divinity. While at the same time, the
Flow (called entropy in physics) is flowing passively in
the opposite direction, devolving, contracting, coming
apart—tending towards decreasing and lower energies,
dissipation, unconsciousness, and oblivion.
The Cosmos may be seen as a great whirling,
spiraling Dance of these eternal Partners through Time
and Space. They are embodied in the Hindu Goddess
Kali Ma, who dances both life and destruction.

C. Fields, Shields and Auras
A field is an elliptical (egg-shaped around two
centers) spheroid of energy emanating from and sur-
rounding a power source, called a field generator.
Familiar examples of this are magnetic fields; they
are generated by magnets, and by the Earth; electro-
magnetic fields, generated by electrical motors; and
gravitational fields, generated by massive objects such
as planets and stars. These fields are everywhere; even
the tiniest objects such as molecules, atoms, and sub-
atomic particles all have their own fields, no matter
how small.
Physical reality is not only matter and energy;
fields are real, but they are non-material. Fields are
not a form of matter; rather, matter is energy bound
within fields. Fields interrelate and interconnect mat-
ter and energy within their realm of influence. Sev-
eral kinds of fundamental fields are recognized by
scientists: the gravitational and electromagnetic fields
of physics, the matter fields of quantum physics, and
morphic fields of biology.
Field generators create fields through polarity—
a negative/positive (or north/south) pole at opposite

  1. Wizardry.p65 49 1/14/2004, 3:23 PM

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