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1982 Contemporary Arts Museum; Houston, Texas
Galerie Chantal Crousel; Paris, France
Larry Gagosian Gallery; Los Angeles, California
The Stedelijk Museum; Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1983 Fine Arts Center Gallery, State University of New
York at Stony Brook; Zilkha Gallery, Wesleyan Univer-
sity; Middletown, Connecticut
Galerie Schellman & Klu ̈ser; Munich, Germany
Muse ́e d’Art et d’Industrie de Saint Etienne; France
Rhona Hoffman Gallery; Chicago, Illinois
The Saint Louis Art Museum; St. Louis, Missouri
1984 Akron Art Museum; Akron, Ohio (traveled to Insti-
tute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl-
vania; Des Moines Art Center, Des Moines, Iowa; The
Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, Maryland
Laforet Museum; Tokyo, Japan
Seibu Gallery of Contemporary Art; Tokyo, Japan
1985 Westfalischer Kunstverein; Mu ̈nster, Germany
1986 Galerie Crousel-Hussenot; Paris, France
Portland Art Museum; Portland, Oregon
The New Aldrich Museum; Ridgefield, Connecticut
Wadsworth Atheneum; Hartford, Connecticut
1987 Provinicaal Museum; Hasselt, Belgium
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; The
Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, Massachusetts;
Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas
1988 Galeria Comicos; Lisbon, Portugal
La Ma ́quina Espan ̃ola; Madrid, Spain
Galeria Lia Rumma; Naples, Italy
1989 Galerie der Wiener Secession; Vienna, Austria
Galerie Pierre Hubert; Geneva, Switzerland
National Art Gallery; Wellington, New Zealand; Wai-
kato Museum of Art and History, New Zealand
1990 Linda Cathcart Gallery; Santa Monica, California
Kunst-Station, St. Peter; Cologne, Germany
Padiglione d’arte contemporanea; Milan, Italy
University Art Museum, University of California;
Berkeley, California
1991 Kunsthalle Basel; Switzerland (traveled to Staatsgal-
erie Moderner Kunst, Munich, Germany; The White-
chapel Art Gallery, London, England)
Milwaukee Art Museum; Milwaukee, Wisconsin (trav-
eled to Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, Florida; The
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minneapolis)
Saatchi Collection, London, England
1992 Galerie Six Friedrich; Munich, Germany
Museo de Monterrey; Monterrey, Mexico
1993 Galerie Ascan Crone; Hamburg, Germany
Galleri Susanne Ottesen; Copenhagen, Denmark
Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Tel Aviv, Israel
Wall Gallery; Fukuoka, Japan
1994 Galerie Borgmann Capitain; Cologne, Germany
Comme des Garc ̧ ons; New York
ACC Galerie; Weimar, Germany
Manchester City Art Gallery; Manchester, England
Offshore Gallery; East Hampton, New York
The Irish Museum of Modern Art; Dublin, Ireland
1995 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; San Fran-
cisco, California
Norton Gallery and School of Art; West Palm Beach,
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithso-
nian Institution; Washington, D.C.

Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Germany; Malmo ̈ Kons-
thall, Malmo ̈, Sweden
Ydessa Hendeles Art Foundation; Toronto, Canada
Museu de Arte Moderna de Sa ̃o Paulo; Brazil
1996 Museum Boijmans-van-Beuningen; Rotterdam, The
Netherlands (traveled to Museo Nacional Centro de
Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain; Sala Recalde, Bil-
bao, Spain; Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, Ger-
Museum of Modern Art; Shiga, Japan (traveled to
Marugame Genichiro-Inokuma Museum of Contem-
porary Art, Kagawa, Japan; Museum of Contempor-
ary Art, Tokyo, Japan)
1997 Studio Guenzani; Milan, Italy
Museum of Modern Art; New York
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Mu-
seum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
1998 Seattle Art Museum; Washington
1999 Galerie Edition Kunsthandel; Essen, Germany
Art + Public; Geneva, Switzerland
2000 New Photographic Work; Gagosian Gallery; Los
Angeles, CA

Selected Group Exhibitions
1976 Hallwalls; Artists Space, New York
1977 Albright-Knox Art Gallery; Buffalo, New York
1978 Four Artists; Artists Space; New York
1979 Re-figuration; Max Protetch Gallery; New York
1980 Ils se Disent Peintres, Ils se Disent Photographes; Cen-
tre Georges Pompidou; Paris, France
1981 Autoportraits; Centre Georges Pompidou; Paris, France
1982 Documenta 7; Kassel, Germany
1983 Directions 1983; Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture
Garden, Smithsonian Institution; Washington, D.C.
1984 The Fifth Biennial of Sydney, Private Symbol: Social
Metaphor; Art Gallery of New South Wales; Sydney,
1985 Biennial Exhibition; Whitney Museum of American
Art; New York
1986 Art and Its Double: A New York Perspective; Fundacio
Caixa de Pensions; Barcelona and La Caixa de Pensions,
Madrid, Spain
1987 Avant-Garde in the Eighties; Los Angeles County Mu-
seum of Art; California
Implosion: A Postmodern Perspective; Moderna Mu-
seet; Stockholm, Sweden
1989 A Forest of Signs: Art in the Crisis of Representation;
Museum of Contemporary Art; Los Angeles, California
1990 Culture and Commentary; Hirshhorn Museum and
Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution; Washing-
ton, D.C.
1991 1991 Biennial Exhibition; Whitney Museum of Amer-
ican Art; New York
Metropolis; Martin-Gropius-Bau; Berlin, Germany
1992 Post Human; Muse ́e d’Art Contemporain; Pully/Lau-
sanne, Switzerland
1993 Louise Lawler, Cindy Sherman, Laurie Simmons; Kun-
sternes Hus; Oslo, Norway
1993 American Art of This Century; Martin-Gropius-Bau;
Berlin, Germany
1994 World Morality; Kunsthalle Basel; Basel, Switzer-

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