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(nextflipdebug2) #1

Capa, Robert (Continued)
Slightly Out of Focus, 239
Spanish civil war, 238
Tour de France bicycle race, 238
Vumagazine, 237
war photography and, 1639
war photography, 237
Werner Bischof-Robert Capa-David Seymour Photographic
Memorial Fund, 239
World War II iconic photographs, 238
Capitalist Realism, 47
Caponigro, Paul, 241–244
American, 241, 242
Ansel Adams, 241
biography, 242
close-ups, 241
craftsmanship, 241
darkroom technique, 241
distinctive strength, 241
Eastern brush painting, 242
elusive image of nature’s subtle realms, 241
enduring influences on, 241
further reading, 244
language of photography, 241
monographs, 242–244
Native American art, 242
photographs with most meaning, 241
power of natural landscape, 241
ritual objects, 242
selected exhibitions, 242
selected works, 244
sensitivity to place, 241
spiritual dimensions of landscape, 241, 242
survey of material world, 242
Carbo printing process, 84
Carrillo, Manuel, 244–246
artistic legacy, 245
biography, 246
choice of subject matter, 245
Club Fotogra ́fico de Me`xico, 244
criticism of work as sentimental, 245
developing and printing, 245
emaciated street dogs, 245
further reading, 246
greatest regret, 244
group exhibitions, 246
individual exhibitions, 246
international exhibitions, 245
Los Inseparables, 245
Mamiyaflex camera, 245
Mexican film industry, 244
Mexican, 244, 245
Mi Pueblo, 244, 245
odd jobs, 244
Photozoommagazine, 245
private collections, 245
publication of photographs in foreign magazines, 245
reputation as artistic genius, 244
Saturday Reviewphotograph competition, 244, 245
selected works, 246
trophy, 244
well-known photograph, 244
Cartes-de-visite, 34
Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 246–250
abstraction of real world, 247

archetype of itinerant photojournalist, 246
biography, 249
Brownie camera, 247
cooperative photo agency, 248
decisive moments captured, 248
Far Eastern assignments, 248
French, 246–249
further reading, 250
German invasion of France, 247
group exhibitions, 249
Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation, 248
individual exhibitions, 249
international travel, 248
introduction to medium, 247
Magnum Photos, 248
Man and Machine, 248
member of Resistance, 247, 248
Museum of Modern Art retrospective, 248
New York Times, 246
philosophy, 247
pre-visualization of images, 247
prisoner-of-war camps, 247
rise as international photojournalist, 248
selected works, 249
seminal figure in postwar era, 246
sympathy for oppressed classes, 247
the decisive moment, 247
vision, 247
CCD,seeCharge-coupled device
CCP,seeCenter for Creative Photography
Censorship, 250–252
Alice Sims, 252
anti-Catholic photograph, 251
anti-religious themes, 251
Associated Press, 250
Bauhaus and Nazism in Germany, 251
blacklisting, 251
Chinese government control, 251
communistic tendencies in modern art, 251
Corcoran Gallery of Art cancellation, 251
danger of photography, 250
Eastman Kodak private censorship operation, 250
further reading, 252
government view of conflict, 250
Jock Sturges, 252
military censors, 250
Minor White’s omitted references to homosexuality, 251
multiplicity of agendas and, 250
National Endowment for the Arts, 252
outcry against photographs deemed to be obscene, 251
Photo Notes, 251
power of control, 250
prevalence of, 250
Sally Mann, 252
selection process for government grants, 252
self-censoring artist, 251
sexual censoring, 251
Sleeping Venus, 250
times of war, 250
United States government, 250
use of, 250
volatile censorship battle, 251
Works Progress Administration, 251
Center for Creative Photography (CCP), 66, 252–254
Ansel Adams Research Fellowship, 254


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