Board_Advisors_etc 3..5

(nextflipdebug2) #1
China and Taiwan (Continued)
tea ladies, 274
Teng Nan-kuang, 273
Teng Nan-kuang’s best-known work, 274
The Sino-Japanese Hostilities, 268
traditional Chinese aesthetic, 269
training, 268
Twelve Moon Flowers, 272
urban development, 272
V-10, 275
violent events, 277
Wall Straddle, 272
Wang Xhin, 276
Weng Fen, 272
Western photographers, 268, 269
Wulsin Expedition to Northwest China, 269
Xu Xiaobing, 270
Yang Yong, 272
Yang Zhenzhong, 273
Yao Jui-chung, 277
Zhang Huan, 273
Zhuang Hui, 272
Christenberry, William, 279–284
Abstract Expressionists, 279
accidental introduction to photography, 279
American, 279–281
Arshile Gorky and, 279
biography, 281
Brownie prints, 280
childhood experiences, 280
Deardorff view camera, 280
desire to possess subjects, 281
direct compositions, 280
dolls, 281
Fortune, 280
further reading, 283
group exhibitions, 282, 283
iconography, 281
incorporation of signage into work, 279
individual exhibitions, 282
Kodak Brownie, 279
Ku Klux Klan, 281
kudzu, 281
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, 280
life cycles, 281
losses of past, 280
paintings, 281
Pop artists, 279
portraits of American Deep South, 280
post-World War II color photographer, 279
sculptures, 281
selected works, 283
seminal moment, 280
Southern roots, 281
stereotypes, 281
subject matter, 280
Walker Evans and, 280
Willem de Kooning and, 279
Chronophotography, 6, 157
Cibachrome, 49
Cine ́ma direct, Canadian, 232
Citroen, Paul, Umbo and, 1578
Civic responsibilities, photography fulfilling, 3
Clarence H. White School of Photography, 7
Clark, Larry, 284–287

American, 284–287
Another Day in Paradise, 285
baby portrait photographer, 285
biography, 287
Bully, 285
coming-of-age story, 285
conventions of documentary, 284
expression of subconscious emotional responses, 287
first feature film, 285
further reading, 287
graphic photographs, 284
group exhibitions, 287
heroin users, 285
individual exhibitions, 287
influence of mass media on teenagers, 285
intimate situations, 284
montage, 284
National Endowment for the Arts, 285
Ralph Gibson’s Lustrum fine arts press, 285
selected works, 287
self-destruction, 285
sexualized violence, 287
Teenage Lust, 285
themes, 284
Tulsa, 284, 285
voyeuristic fascination with potential for violence, 284
Class Seven, 1617
Close, Chuck, 287–290
American, 287–289
biography, 289
classmates, 288
confrontational portraits, 288
A Couple of Ways of Doing Something, 288
differentiation between illusion and reality, 289
digital IRIS prints, 288
enormous scale, 288
found photographs, 288
further reading, 289–290
group exhibitions, 289
iconic portraits, 287
individual exhibitions, 289
knitting, 287
Pace/MacGill Gallery, 288
Photorealists, 288
Polaroid format, 287, 288
post-war American art, 288
recognition as painter, 287
selected works, 289
sense of overallness, 288
subject matter, 288
truth behind realism, 289
updating of daguerreotype process, 288
use of photography to answer questions, 288
Yale University School of Art, 288
CMOS,seeComplementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CMY primaries, 301
CNP,seeCentre Nationale de la Photographie
Coburn, Alvin Langdon, 290–293
Arts and Crafts’ ideals of craftsmanship, 291
association with Photo-Secession, 290
biography, 291
bookmaking, 291
British, born American, 290, 291
camps straddled, 290
complex career, 290


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