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(nextflipdebug2) #1
Dada (Continued)
founder, 141
further reading, 355
movement, founding members of Berlin, 142
Dadaism, 73, 74
Dadaist preoccupation, photogram processes and, 7
Daguerre, Louis, 76
Daguerreotype(s), 31
African, 34
anonymous, 64
astrophotography and, 76
Berlinische Galerie, 122
Dahl-Wolfe, Louise, 355–358
America, 355–357
biography, 357
further reading, 358
group exhibitions, 357
individual exhibitions, 357
selected works, 357, 358
Dali, Salvador, 82
Darkroom, 358–361
experimentation, 7
film processing, 358, 359
further reading, 361
print processing, 359–361
Date/time imprinting, 211
Dater, Judy, 361–363
American, 361, 362
biography, 362, 363
further reading, 363
group exhibitions, 363
individual exhibitions, 363
selected works, 363
Davidson, Bruce, 364–366
American, 364, 365
biography, 365
further reading, 366
group exhibitions, 365, 366
individual exhibitions, 365
selected works, 366
Daylight film, 299
de Meyer, Baron Adolph, 367–369
American, born France, 367, 368
biography, 368
further reading, 369
group exhibitions, 368
individual exhibitions, 368
selected works, 369
Deakin, John, 369, 370
biography, 370
British, 369, 370
further reading, 370
individual exhibitions, 370
DeCarava, Roy, 371–374
American, 371, 372
biography, 373
further reading, 373, 374
group exhibitions, 373
individual exhibitions, 373
selected works, 373
Decisive moment, 374, 375
Cartier-Bresson and, 247
constructed reality and, 320
further reading, 375
Deconstruction, 375–380

Baudrillard, 379
Derrida, 377, 378
further reading, 380
photographic text, 376
punctum, 378, 379
variety of postmodernism, 376, 377
Delano, Jack, 380–382
American, 380, 381
biography, 382
further reading, 382
group exhibitions, 382
individual exhibitions, 382
selected works, 382
Democratic medium, photography as, 1613
Demosaicing, 218
Depth of field, 383, 384
Deutscher Verlag, 137
Developing processes, 384–389
Diana Camera,seeCamera, Diana
diCorcia, Philip-Lorca, 389–391
American, 389, 390
biography, 390
further reading, 391
group exhibitions, 391
individual exhibitions, 390
selected works, 391
Digital film, 218
Digital image manipulation software, 182
Digital media, conservation of, 319
Digital photography, 95, 391–396
bracketing with, 156
concerns raised, 395, 396
further reading, 396
history, 393–395
Digital replication, 47
Digital technology, Nancy Burson and, 189
Dijkstra, Rineke, 396–398
biography, 398
Dutch, 386–398
further reading, 398
group exhibitions, 398
individual exhibitions, 398
selected works, 398
Direct color autochrome plates, 33
Discursive spaces, 399–401
Documentary content, champion of, 3
Documentary photography, 402–410
Australia, 88
empathic, 1638
further reading, 410
Rene`Burri and, 183
use of as tool for social change, 161
Dodging, 10, 410, 411
contact printing and, 326
further reading, 411
Doisneau, Robert, 412–415
biography, 413
French, 412, 413
further reading, 415
group exhibitions, 414, 415
individual exhibitions, 413, 414
selected works, 415
Domon, Ken, 415–417
biography, 416, 417
further reading, 417


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