Board_Advisors_etc 3..5

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Stalin’s Five-Year Plans, 40
Starn, Doug and Mike, 1481–1483
American, 1481, 1482
biography, 1482
further reading, 1483
group exhibitions, 1482, 1483
individual exhibitions, 1482
selected works, 1483
State Pushkin Museum, Moscow, 43
Station point, 150
Stedelijk Museum, 1483–1485
Steichen, Edward, 1485–1489
American, 1485–1487
biography, 1487, 1488
further reading, 1488, 1489
group exhibitions, 1488
individual exhibitions, 1488
selected works, 1488
Steiner, Andre ́, 1489–1491
biography, 1490
French, 1489, 1490
further reading, 1491
group exhibitions, 1491
individual exhibitions, 1490
selected works, 1491
Stettner, Louis, 1491–1493
American, 1491–1493
biography, 1493
further reading, 1493
group exhibitions, 1493
individual exhibitions, 1493
selected works, 1493
Stieglitz, Alfred, 1494–1497
abstraction and, 6
American, 1494–1495
anti-commercial philosophy of, 1679
biography, 1495, 1496
corporate collections, 337
further reading, 1496, 1497
group exhibitions, 1496
individual exhibitions, 1496
Photo-Secession, 175
selected works, 1496
Stone, Sasha, 1497–1500
biography, 1499
further reading, 1500
group exhibitions, 1500
individual exhibitions, 1499
Russian, 1497–1499
selected works, 1500
Umbo and, 1577
Straight photography, 7, 10
aesthetic, 6
beginnings of as fine art, 58
Euge`ne Atget and, 80
Strand, Paul, 9, 58, 1500–1503
American, 1500–1502
biography, 1502
exhibitions, 1502, 1503
further reading, 1503
Robert Bourdeau and, 149
selected works, 1503
Street photography, 1503–1508
further reading, 1508
Imogen Cunningham and, 349

Strobe light
time exposure and, 1544
underwater photography and, 1583
Struth, Thomas, 1508–1511
biography, 1509
further reading, 1511
German, 1508, 1509
group exhibitions, 1510
individual exhibitions, 1509, 1510
selected works, 1510, 1511
Stryker, Roy, 153, 1511–1514
American, 1511–1513
biography, 1513
further reading, 1513, 1514
Studio cameras, digital, 219
Subjective Photography, Chargesheimer and, 265
Sudek, Josef, 1514, 1517
biography, 1515
Czechoslovakian, 1514, 1515
further reading, 1516, 1517
group exhibitions, 1516
individual exhibitions, 1516
selected works, 1516
Sugimoto, Hiroshi, 1517, 1519
biography, 1518
further reading, 1519
group exhibitions, 1519
individual exhibitions, 1518, 1519
Japanese, 1517, 1518
selected works, 1519
Super 8 film, body art and, 145
Surrealism, 7, 73, 74, 1519–1522
further reading, 1521, 1522
Joel-Peter Witkin and, 1697
Raoul Ubac and, 1568
typical role of female artist in, 201
Bill Brandt and, 160
Euge`ne Atget and, 80
postulate of, 1533
Surveillance satellite, first, 21
Szabo, Steve, 1522, 1523
American, 1522, 1523
biography, 1523
further reading, 1523
Szarkowski, John, 1523–1525
American, 1523–1525
biography, 1525
further reading, 1525
selected works, 1525
Szilasi, Gabor, 1526–1528
biography, 1527
Canadian, 1526, 1527
further reading, 1528
group exhibitions, 1527, 1528
individual exhibitions, 1527
selected works, 1528


Tabard, Maurice, 1529–1531
altered realities, 1529
avant-garde photography, 1530
biography, 1530


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