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Turbeville, Deborah (Continued)
Unseen Versailles, 1561
Wallflower, 1561
Turner Prize, Billingham’s nomination for, 131
Twin lens reflex, 215
Two-dimensional patterns, formalism of, 7
Typestyle, universal, 105
Typography master, 104
Typology, 1562–1565
archive, 1565
August Sander and, 1563
characteristics, 1565
definition of, 1562
Euge`ne Atget and, 1563
examples and parallels, 1563–1565
further reading, 1565
George Eastman House exhibition, 1563
image-making approach, 1562
Jungian psychology and, 1562
lack of luminosity, 1565
new objectivity, 1562
New Topographicsapproach, 1563–1565
often-cited model, 1563
origins and precedents, 1563
people inhabiting Weimar Germany, 1562
personality assessment and, 1562
predominance of subject matter, 1562
premise, 1562
use of term within photography, 1562
Tzara, Tristan, 141


Ubac, Raoul, 1567–1570
Belgian, 1567, 1568
billboard campaign, 1568
biography, 1568, 1569
choosing French naturalization, 1567
experimental style, 1567
first significant series of works, 1567
fossils, 1568
further reading, 1570
group exhibitions, 1569, 1570
individual exhibitions, 1569
L’invention collective, 1568
Man Ray and, 1567
Messages group, 1568
Minotaure, 1568
Montparnasse Studios, 1567
Nazi occupation, 1568
selected works, 1570
Stones of Dalmacy, 1567
Surrealist movement, 1567
Uelsmann, Jerry, 1570–1574
American, 1570–1572
biography, 1572
combination printing, 1571
digital images, 1571
Friends of Photography, 1571
further reading, 1574
group exhibitions, 1572–1574
Guggenheim Fellowship, 1571
illogical landscapes, 1571
individual exhibitions, 1572

juxtapositions of nature to geometrical elements, 1571
merging of reality and fantasy, 1570
psychological emphasis, 1571
reprints, 1571
subconscious, 1570
Surrealist ideology about dreams, 1570
teaching style, 1571
themes, 1571
virtual reality and, 1621, 1622
work as metaphors for ideas, 1570
Ulmann, Doris, 1574–1577
American, 1574–1575
Appalachian photographs, 1575
biography, 1575
camera used, 1574
contact prints, 1575
further reading, 1577
group exhibitions, 1575–1577
Gullah culture, 1575
individual exhibitions, 1575
Pictorial Photographers of America, 1574
Portrait of a Child, 1574
portraits of celebrities, 1575
Roll, Jordan, Roll, 1575
selected works, 1577
Shaker and Mennonite communities, 1575
vanishing customs, 1574
Umbo (Otto Umbehr), 1577–1581
Bauhaus stay, 1577
biography, 1579
close-up-effect, 1578
DEPHOT, 1578
designs for billboards, 1577
experimenting with perspectives, 1578
further reading, 1579–1581
German, 1577, 1578
group exhibitions, 1579
individual exhibitions, 1579
Life in Dead Things, 1578
lighting and principles of formation, 1578
photo montages, 1577, 1578
photograms, 1578
selected works, 1579
self-taught photographer, 1577
visually staging spontaneously found objects, 1578
work with Sasha Stone, 1577, 1578
Underwater photography, 1581–1584
advantage of housing systems, 1582
amphibious Nikonos-type cameras, 1583
atmospheric pressure, 1582
backscattering, 1583
behavior of light in water, 1583
Calypsophot, 1583
color affected by water, 1583
color distortion, 1583
diving and, 1584
Eadweard Muybridge and, 1581
experiments in, 1581
first true underwater photograph, 1581
floatation device, 1581
further reading, 1584
invention of flash, 1582
Jacques-Yves Cousteau, 1582
Louis Boutan, 1581
National Geographic, 1582


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