EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1

a moment, may I suggest that Jesus is the ‘Great
Guru’ (the eternal dispeller of darkness) and only
that teaching which agrees with His should be
embraced. While on earth, He bolstered this idea
with the powerful statement:

who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but
have the light of life.” (John 8:12, emphasis
by author)
There are many false ideas concerning
spirituality, masquerading as light, which in the
end serve only to darken the minds of seekers.
But Jesus is “THE TRUE LIGHT” who “gives light
to everyone entering the world” ( John 1:9 CJB).
The radiance of His great love, shining in your
heart and life, will transform you forever.

Be Transformed Spiritually!

Just as I reacted negatively when the Gospel
was first presented to me, you may have definite
doubts or objections concerning Christianity.
I urge you to override them for a few moments
and just open yourself wholeheartedly to the
supernatural reality of the LORD Jesus Christ.
Pray the prayer on the next page with all your heart:

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