Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

(backadmin) #1
Carmella Jacoby Volk, Anat Messing Interior Design Department, Colman College, Israel 69




Figure 1. "Film object", Efrat Yedid Ben Ezrea
This "abstract machine" was generated by digitally sampling a one shot cinematic sequence
into different frames (Quentin Tarantino's "Pulp Fiction", "the Shining" by Stanley Kubrick,
and on a one shot footage taken in "Dizengoff Center"- a shopping arcade in Tel Aviv). Every
individual frame was lined up along the path of the camera, by defining its frame size accord-
ing to the focal length used; The rows of pixels at the frames’ edges (which were defined in 3D
StudioMax as  pixels) were folded, setting the outer membrane of the f ilm object [f ig.1.1].
The "film object" can be experienced from the inside outside folded and unfolded surface. This
optic-haptic effect expanded the peripheral visual field, registering traces of time into haptic
experience of space.[fig 1.2, 1.3].
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