nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

So you have a choice now. You can stay at Brown Belt, or you can ascend to full competency in the
basics and start progressing to more advanced ideals. Eating Nutrient Rich® gets better and better.
Go for it.

Let us know where you need help in the Member Center.

Black Belt

Significantly Above Average [Nutrient Rich] (152-180)
Awesome—you are a Black Belt!

You are now at a basic level of proficiency for a nutrient-rich healthy eating
style and are quite resilient. You are a Black Belt who is proficient at all 36 of
the nutrient-rich proficiencies mentioned above, and are well on your way to
becoming a Nutrient Ninja— and a real lifestyle pro!

You know how to eat nutrient rich and do it without even having to think much
in many common situations. While you aren’t perfect, and don’t plan to be, you
also don’t defend any needs to eat nutrient-poor.

You are in alignment with the Three Golden Rules of Healthy Eating™ and have mastered the most
direct path to success by maintaining the highest level of personal eating standards with relative
ease. You see the way you eat as simply “normal and natural.” You don’t think you’re on some
“special kind of diet.” (Eating Nutrient Rich® is kind of special, but you’re not dieting.)

 You eat when you are hungry, most of the time by waiting for a throat and mouth sensation
before you eat.
 You have little emotional attachment to food, and rarely eat for emotional reasons.
 When and if you do eat nutrient-poor or nutrient-barren foods or stimulating condiments,
you feel ill quickly and don’t misinterpret this as bad, but rather as being good—it’s a sign of
how vital and healthy you are.
 You fit in almost anywhere, are not obsessed with food and eating, and are flexible for the
right reasons.

You have a rational and intelligent perspective on healthy eating, and know how to lose weight,
build muscle and improve performance on a nutrient-rich foundation of healthy eating. You pay
attention to nutritional research, and have enough basic knowledge to be discerning.

You also model these behaviors and basic skills for others.

At this level, you will still need qualified support on occasion, but know enough to resolve your own
situations a good portion of the time.

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