You now have the opportunity to examine your eating style more closely and decide if you are
willing to change the behaviors that still hold you back and which could evolve into weight and
health complications. If you haven’t already, it’s time to again make the wholehearted decision to
Switch to Rich, Nutrient Rich—The Great-Tasting Healthy Way to Eat.
At the Green Belt level, the good news is you are capable of correcting course quickly and going to
the next level of healthy eating, if you are willing to make the switch.
Brown Belt
Somewhat Above Average [Nearing Nutrient Rich] ( 123 - 151)
Great job at getting to Brown Belt!
You are well on your way to realizing a nutrient-rich resilient lifestyle. You are
a Brown Belt. You have a strong foundation for achieving all of the success
results, and have been actively making your nutrition transition in the right
direction for some time now.
At this level, you want to seriously acknowledge how much you’ve improved.
You want to honor your successes (actually, do this with every new level you
reach), but avoid selling yourself short.
There are still a number of key areas in your eating style that are holding you back. There are
beliefs and practices you may have identified but have not yet felt the need to improve because you
already eat so healthy.
Although you frequently feel genuine hunger, and do your best not to overeat, you may anyway. You
still like to eat “healthier” foods too—healthier as compared to the Standard American Diet, but not
completely healthy by Nutrient Rich® Standards. You make full use of the 10% nutrient-poor
wiggle room, sometimes more than 10%, at times eating too many animal products and other
refined foods, despite what is mostly a very healthy eating style. This prevents you from achieving
all seven success results at the highest levels. You may be eating 90% or more plant-based Nutrient
Rich®, but you still defend your need to eat nutrient-poor foods.
It’s very easy to stay at Brown Belt for a long time, and it’s pretty healthy, but you are not yet at you
full proficiency level.
As a Brown Belt, you need very competent support because it’s usually mostly psychological at this
point. You are already eating healthier than anyone else and you deserve those treats! Someone
who has been eating nutrient-rich for some time and is even further down the path can often help
you delve deeper and reach your full potential.