nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

“G-Bombs” are an acronym for the most nutrient-rich, health-promoting foods in existence, given
all their anti-cancer and anti-fat properties, among many more. Using them as the base, or
incorporating them into almost every dish, is a power-eating secret to this style.

You can put these foods into everything—salads and soups, smoothies (well, don’t put mushrooms
in smoothies), drinks, and even ice creams (ditto on the mushrooms).

I make a specific G-Bomb meal a minimum of one, usually two, and sometimes even three times per
week. Such a meal is highly optimized for nutrient density, calories, volume, and great taste. I love
it. I call it my G-Bomb meal because it is composed of steamed kale with fresh shiitake or crimini
mushrooms, cherry tomatoes (added during the steaming process of five to seven minutes), about a
half cup of beans, and an ounce of seeds, which are added after the steaming process is over.

Pairing that dish with a berry-based dessert like nutrient-rich ice cream, this is a nutrient-rich meal
that is exploding with anti-cancer nutrients, which inhibit angiogenesis (blood and nutrient
supplies to fat tissues, tumors, etc.) and provide lots of healthy fats for increased absorption of
plant nutrients. It also has resistant starches that escape digestion in the small intestines of healthy
individuals, providing all the volume with only half the calories.

In addition, these foods are low in calories (except for the seeds), so can be eaten in high volume,
and are so rich with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that your body just runs like a
high-performance BMW for a long while after you eat it. When you add a great whole-food dressing,
wow! Try it if you don’t believe me!

Experiment with G-Bomb meals, and let’s design new ones together for intensely healthy and
flavorful meals we can share with one another. Tell me your favorite in the Member Forum.

See the book Step 2 —Simple, Quick & Easy™ Foods & Recipes for many more tips and ideas like

Supplementation While Eating Nutrient Rich®

The first question I get when it comes to supplementation is “Why would I need to take
supplements when eating nutrient-rich?” It’s a very good question, and it has a very good answer
that is not motivated by profit.

For those promoting nutrient-rich healthy eating styles, like Dr. Fuhrman, supplements were
developed in response to certain situations, such as when dealing with the negative consequences
of the previous diet, when nutrient absorption is compromised, or for special needs in children,
athletes, or seniors.

Don’t assume that just because you eat a nutrient-rich diet, you won’t need any supplementation.
You may. It’s not wise to be idealistic when it comes to nutrition. Get tested.

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