"The road to genuinely healthy eating has been a challenging one in a world where great-tasting,
nutrient-poor food is everywhere. But today that is changing. The world has finally awakened to the
negative consequences of nutrient-poor diets and is making the Switch to Rich—nutrient-rich healthy
eating. It's revolutionary, it's scientifically sound, it's getting more and more convenient, and it IS
Plus, if you want health, performance and natural weight loss benefits, in addition to looking and
feeling better, nutrient-rich healthy eating is THE way to eat."
~ John Allen Mollenhauer, Author of “The Nutrient Rich® Healthy Eating Plan,” and Founder of
Nutrient Rich.com
"The major cause of all diseases afflicting Americans today is a produce-deficient diet. Based on an
exhaustive look at research data from around the globe, over the past 20 years, my recommendations
is that your diet contains over 90% of calories from unrefined plant foods. This high percentage of
nutrient-dense plant foods allows us to predict freedom from cancer, heart disease, diabetes and excess
body weight. Vegetables, fruit and beans must be the base of your food pyramid; otherwise you will be
in a heap of trouble down the road. The diseases that afflict almost all Americans (and others around
the world) can be avoided. You can live a disease-free life!
My friend John Allen Mollenhauer has got his act together. As a nutrition and lifestyle coach, he can
motivate you to high levels of health. Good health is your greatest wealth, and John Allen can help
make you rich. Go Nutrient Rich." ~ Joel Fuhrman, M.D., Author of “Eat to Live”.
In the nearly 20 years since I wrote BodyFueling, I have rarely encountered a healthy-eating
approach that I felt I could agree with and endorse 100%, that reflected all my values and contained
everything I would wish for a person to have and to know. Anyone who so thoroughly and
passionately covers plant-based, nutrient-rich, whole, not-just-weight-loss, not-just-one-thing
healthy living with such a life-integrated approach--and effectively shows that it’s more fun than
what doesn’t work--is a friend of mine. This way of eating needs all the champions it can get, and
John is impressively on top of it. Bravo. ~ Robyn Landis, Author of BodyFueling and Herbal
"John Allen Mollenhauer’ s genius in developing the Nutrient Rich approach to eating is that he
establishes a common ground on which we almost all agree, which is that a diet comprised of 90% (or
more) plant-based foods is the key to optimal health. Eating the nutrient-rich way causes most people
to experience weight loss and/or health improvement. And it’s appealing to the person just beginning
the journey to plant-based eating. Nutrient Rich has positioned itself to be a gathering point for
everyone interested in plant-based eating, ranging from those who are just plant-curious to those of us
who have devoted our lives to teaching others about the incredible power this diet has to prevent, stop,
and reverse disease." ~ Pamela Popper, PhD, ND, Founder of The Wellness Forum.