NEW STORY: Next time I’ll remember these effects and results. It's not that I'll never eat another
Kit Kat, but thinking that I need to eat Kit Kats for pleasure is not true. I get overweight and sick
when I do, and it makes me feel bad. I recognize that I have bought into a story about fitting in when
I eat candy like that—but really; do I really need to fit in by staying addicted to milk-chocolate-and
sugar-covered wafers? No. I am going to find a nutrient-rich alternative to Kit Kats that tastes
yummy and supports my health. I will also change what drives this eating pattern to begin with.
Now imagine having new nutritional facts and education to work with while applying the above
tools for change. Knowledge + experience-based change are an enormously effective combo. And
that’s just what we’re doing here!
What Is a Diet Trap?
Diet traps are powerful food, weight-loss and fitness beliefs and behaviors that keep us sick; eating
unhealthy or barely healthy food; overweight; and obsessed with losing weight. Diet traps entrap our
health, performance, confidence, and self-esteem.
There are many diet traps that are part of the cultural body of speaking and thinking defined in the
previous section. They are the specific myths that the food and diet industries have taught us to
believe, and they are numerous. After you start eating nutrient-rich foods and learning how to eat
for health, performance and natural weight loss, it will become apparent to you which diet traps
had you most ensnared.
One such myth is that “a calorie is a calorie.” Actually, all calories are not created equal! Our bodies
treat calories differently depending on their nutrient “packaging.” “The Calorie Theory” doesn’t take
into account all of the factors associated with utilizing our food efficiently, such as:
- What the human body is capable and incapable of absorbing
- The amount of calories burned in the digestive process
- What types of macronutrients tend to be stored as excess fat
- What will be eliminated from the body
In addition, “The Calorie Theory” does not consider the impact that empty, nutrient-poor calories
have on the body. A nutrient-poor food choice may have the same number of calories as a nutrient-
rich food, but everything else about them will be different. You can get 100 calories from a food that
poisons your body, or 100 calories from a food that nourishes, enriches, heals, energizes and
supports your health. It’s about so much more than calories!
There are many more.
Some “features” and “qualities” of diet traps: