You will find your weight naturally adjusting to a healthy level as you consume more and more
nutrient-rich foods, which are also helping you live your life and accomplish your other goals. This
is why over the long haul; it’s actually easier to change your lifestyle than you need to persevere in a
diet. You and your body are finally playing on the same team.
Trying To Eat Healthier, But Not Yet Nutrient Rich®
Potentially still high in animal protein
Potentially high in dairy products, including cheese (the most addicting dairy product with
the highest saturated fat)
Potentially too high in lower-micronutrient whole grains (though many whole grains are
considered nutrient rich)
Potentially too high in starchy vegetables
Potentially high in refined and added sugar, oil, salt and/or preservatives
Could very easily become an oversimplified diet that is not optimized for nutrient density,
or is perhaps missing enough variety
May be making some natural, healthy, smart choices
Vegetarian or vegan, but that just means that you don’t eat meat or animal products, not
that you are eating nutrient rich
Health Effects
Many positive benefits, depending on previous dietary habits
Potentially increased blood pressure
Potential allergies
Chronic detoxification and greater food sensitivities