nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1
 Diabetes still a risk
 Heart disease still a risk
 Cancer still a risk
 High risk of going back to an unhealthy weight-loss-only diet or even to the SAD eating style
because “healthier eating” just doesn’t pay off

No Longer Falling for Simple-Minded, Single-Variable “Solutions”

When your nutritional education is at its lowest and your motivation is at its highest, you will have
the tendency to zero in on simple-minded, single-variable ideas,^52 often posing as solutions or styles
of eating. These they are far from a stable or complete healthy eating style, particularly if they are
based on nutrient-poor eating. These single-minded approaches are too narrow to give you all
seven success results. To get the complete complement of whole-life results, you need a complete,
well-developed idea like Nutrient Rich®.

I have always been a fan of well-developed ideas that can be put into everyday practice. That's
probably why I've been drawn to martial arts philosophy for much of my life. Martial arts are really
training for life, similar to other lifestyle skills like meditation. Because I'm not a fan of bouncing
around from style to style in anything I do, and because life is short, I have always sought teachers
of hybrid philosophies that enable me to leverage decades of prior learning—so I can “get it and go
on with my life.” In other words, well-developed ideas backed by decades of learning and practice.

I am not skilled martial artist, but I am a reader of martial arts philosophy for life improvement. My
favorite martial art is the practice of Jeet Kune Do (截拳道, also "Jeet Kun Do", "JKD," or "Jeet Kuen

Do"), which is a hybrid martial arts system and life philosophy system that incorporate techniques
and theories from several specific martial arts. While numerous martial arts borrow or adapt from
other arts, and to some extent could be considered hybrids, a hybrid martial art emphasizes its
disparate origins.

Founded by world-renowned martial artist Bruce Lee, Jeet Kune Do is comprised of direct, non-
classical and straightforward movements that result in minimal movement with maximum effect
and extreme speed. The system is based on the use of different tools for different situations. These
situations are broken down into ranges (kicking, punching, trapping and grappling), with
techniques flowing smoothly between them. It is referred to as a "style without style." Unlike more
traditional martial arts, Jeet Kune Do is not fixed or patterned, and is a philosophy of guiding

This is how I view nutritional excellence, upon which The Nutrient Rich® Healthy Eating Plan is
based. A term coined by my mentor, Joel Fuhrman, M.D., nutritional excellence is similar in

(^52) Anderson M. The Rave Diet & Lifestyle, 3rd ed.; 2009.

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