Nutrient Rich®—The Nutrition Transition in the Right Direction
As you’ve hopefully grasped by now, Nutrient Rich® healthy eating is consuming 90% or more of
your calories from a vast variety of plant-based, nutrient-rich foods. It acknowledges that you may
eat approximately 10% or less of anything else you choose even if it is nutrient-poor.
You eat 90% or more plant-based Nutrient Rich® foods, optimized for nutrient density
Includes a large volume of leafy, green and colored non-starchy vegetables every day
Beans/legumes every day
Fruit every day
Some raw nuts or seeds and/or an avocado a day
Some starchy vegetables or whole grains (in diversity—not just wheat or corn, but kamut,
amaranth, millet, buckwheat, quinoa, spelt and others)
May include small amounts (10% or less of total diet) of animal products and refined foods
Added salt, oil and sugar are eliminated or greatly reduced
Includes exotic super foods
There is a nutrient-rich version of just about every meal you are eating right now
Health Effects/Success Results
Natural weight loss
Disease reversal
Improved health and performance
Slower aging / looking younger
Maximized longevity