nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

structure to Jeet Kune Do in that it is a style without a style, or as I like to put it, a style of styles—
pulling together the best of the best to form a hybrid approach that ensures excellence in nutrition
no matter what situation you’re in.

A nutrient-rich diet can be higher or lower in calories, essential fats, protein, and “real food” carbs,
depending on the person, the needs and the situation. It is always rich in fiber, water, vitamins,
minerals and phytochemicals. It is primarily vegetable-based but can be adjusted to include even
more starch if you are active enough and not overweight. And it can accommodate up to 10%
animal and/or processed foods, preferably the healthiest choices available for those categories.

(Keep in mind, when I say higher or lower in protein, carbs and fat, I’m talking about protein, carbs
and fat delivered in nutrient-rich packages of vitamins, minerals, water, fiber and phytochemicals—
not animal protein, animal fats, and refined carbohydrates, which do not come packaged with those

You don’t have to be perfect. But your commitment to excellence in nutrition is high enough that
those times when you aren’t “perfect" are within a range your body can handle without significant
impact on your health, performance and comfort level.

The minute you try to define nutrient-rich healthy eating by one attribute, the way it’s done in
marketing to differentiate one diet from another, the more you completely miss the point. Nutrient-
rich eating is not merely for detox, muscle-building, anti-aging, weight loss only or any other one
thing. It’s an eating style that delivers all of the seven success results everyone wants. It delivers
health and appearance and longevity and performance and pleasure. It’s the “sweet spot” for
successful eating

The healthier eating and other lifestyle skills you have, the less you will be limited or seduced by
simple-minded, single-variable solutions. What powers the idea of nutrient-rich healthy eating is
awareness and knowledge from education and training. A strong foundation can prevent you from
getting stuck in any one style; instead you’re able to act as needed in any given situation. This is
what made Bruce Lee the greatest martial artist that ever lived, and it’s what will make you
successful in whatever goals you choose to pursue.

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