Part Two 147
employees once performed. Positions today require employees to possess
greater skills as they assume more challenging responsibilities. Jobs have
become less specialized, forcing employees to work in teams to deliver
services. New equipment and technology, the enactment of new laws and
regulations, fl uctuations in the economy, and the actions of competitors
are just some of the variables that infl uence change. As organizations keep
changing, they must implement training and development programs to
ensure that their staff have the necessary KSAOCs to confront these new
challenges. Chapter Eleven discusses training and career development.
Developing a comprehensive, long - range training program requires an
SHRM plan and a recognition that employees are an organization ’ s most
valuable resource. Training and development must become integrated into
the core HRM functions.
Labor - management relations is an important component of SHRM.
To remain competitive, management and unions have had to rethink their
adversarial relationship and work together to creatively resolve problems
and develop solutions that benefi t both labor and management. Chapter
Twelve explains the legal framework governing collective bargaining in
the public and nonprofi t sectors and provides some examples of the dif-
ferent types of benefi ts unions have negotiated for their members consis-
tent with workforce and workplace changes. Mental health and substance
abuse benefi ts, child care benefi ts, incentive awards, employee individual
development plans, and fl exible work schedules are just some nontradi-
tional benefi ts that have been negotiated.
The effect of information technology on strategic human resources
management is presented in Chapter Thirteen. Technological changes such
as the increased use of computers, information systems, databases, telecom-
munications, and networking have changed the way agencies are struc-
tured and work is organized and managed. Organizations need to recruit,
hire, and provide training to individuals who have the skills and motivation
to adapt to technological changes. The last chapter discusses the HRM
challenges for public and nonprofi t organizations.
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