386 Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofi t Organizations
Career planning and staffi ng systems that are accessible to employees
permit their direct involvement in their own career development or move-
ment in the organization. A career development system able to be accessed
by employees can provide information about positions at the next level,
job descriptions, information about steps in career paths leading to certain
positions, training and development activities that may be required, and
information about trends in workforce movement, surpluses and shortages,
and other career - relevant information. In some systems, the employee can
select a training class or another development activity or create an entirely
new career plan, subject to authorization, which can also be handled elec-
tronically. Most career development is essentially self - development and
requires individual motivation, commitment, and clear linkages between
individual effort and career results. Extending information through HRIS
involves the employees being managed.
Communicating Policies and Procedures
The distribution of agency policies and procedures through technology is
less expensive than printing hard copies and distributing them to employ-
ees. Changes can be made and communicated in an expedited manner.
Information systems permit automatic communication that provides uni-
formity and consistency of some policies and procedures yet is fl exible for
audience - specifi c variations in others. For example, regional pay levels may
infl uence hourly rates, different labor contracts may be in effect in differ-
ent locations, and paid holidays may vary. However, other policies with
respect to nondiscrimination, privacy, and federal legislation such as the
Fair Labor Standards Act may apply to all employees, requiring overtime
pay and record keeping.
Organizations are using technology to offer quick online access to
company policies. Entering the systems, managers and employees can
examine company policy with respect to time off, vacations, holiday pay, or
infractions leading to discipline. Such things as merit pay guidelines, per-
formance appraisal instructions, access to training programs, and instruc-
tions on how to transfer or hire an individual can be provided online.
Employee Participation
Systems access to employees also permits employees to make their views
and ideas known to management in a timely, cost - effi cient manner. When
employee attitudes are important to the organization, the timeliness,