the tests we have discussed. Partly to overcome this objection, Scheffé proposed that peo-
ple may prefer to run his test at a5.10. Although both SPSS and SAS only offer this test
as a pairwise test of means, it should never be used that way. There are much more power-
ful alternatives if you only want pairwise tests. Scheffé stated that when the “onlycontrasts
of interest are the^1 ⁄ 2 k(k 2 1 ) differences mi2mj, the method of Tukey... should be used
in preference to the above, because the confidence intervals will then be shorter.” It is curi-
ous that two of the major statistical packages only offer the Scheffé test in the situation for
which the test’s originator specifically recommended against its use. In general, the Scheffé
test should never be used to make a set of solely pairwise comparisons, nor should it nor-
mally be used for comparisons that were thought of a priori. The test was specifically de-
signed as a post hoc test, and its use on a limited set of comparisons that were planned
before the data were collected would generally be foolish. Unless you have a very very
large number of planned contrasts, a Bonferroni correction (modified or not) on the results
of your a priori contrasts would be more powerful. Although most discussions of multiple-
comparison procedures include the Scheffé, and many people recommend it, perhaps out
of habit, it is not often seen as the test of choice in research reports because of its conserva-
tive nature. I can’t imagine when I would ever use it, but I have to include it here because it
is such a standard test.
Dunnett’s Test for Comparing All Treatments with a Control
In some experiments the important comparisons are between one control treatment and each
of several experimental treatments. In this case, the most appropriate test is Dunnett’s test.
This is more powerful (in this situation) than are any of the other tests we have discussed
that seek to hold the familywise error rate at or below a.
We will let represent the critical value of a modified tstatistic. This statistic is found
in tables supplied by Dunnett (1955, 1964) and reproduced in Appendix. We can either
run a standard t test between the appropriate means (using as the variance estimate
and evaluating the t against the tables of ) or solve for a critical difference between
means. For a difference between means and (where represents the mean of the
control group) to be significant, the difference must exceed
Applying this test to our data, letting group S-S from Table 12.1 be the control group,
We enter Appendix with k 5 5 means and 5 35. The resulting value of is 2.56.
Thus, whenever the difference between the control group mean (group S-S) and one of the
other group means exceeds 7.24, that difference will be significant. The k 2 1 statements
we will make concerning this difference will have an FWof a5.05.
S-S versus Mc-M= 11229 =- 18
S-S versus S-M= 11224 =- 13
S-S versus M-M= 11210 = 1
S-S versus M-S= 1124 = 7
Critical value (Xc 2 Xj)=2.56
td dferror td
Critical value (Xc 2 Xj)=td
Critical value (Xc 2 Xj)=td
2 MSerror
Xc Xj Xc
12.6 Post Hoc Comparisons 395
Dunnett’s test