694 Appendices
Variable Description Columns Legal Values
FamNum Family ID number 1–3 100–400
GSI Variables
Patient Variables
SexP Gender of patient 5 15 male;
25 female
SomTP Somaticism Tscore 8–9 41–80
DepTP Depression Tscore 12–13 42–80
AnxTP Anxiety Tscore 16–17 38–80
HosTP Hostility Tscore 20–21 39–80
GSITP Global Symptom Index Tscore 24–25 33–80
Spouse Variables
SexS Gender of spouse 27 15 male;
25 female
SomTS Somaticism Tscore 30–31 41–80
DepTS Depression Tscore 34–35 42–80
AnxTS Anxiety Tscore 38–39 38–80
HosTS Hostility Tscore 42–43 39–80
GSITS GSI Tscore 46–47 33–80
Child Behavior Checklist Variables
SexChild Gender of child 49 15 male;
25 female
Intern Internalizing subscale 51–52 0–98
Extern Externalizing subscale 54–55 0–102
TotBP Total behavior problems 57–58 0–240
InternT Internalizing Tscore 60–61 33–100
ExternT Externalizing Tscore 63–64 30–100
TotBPT Total behavior problem Tscore 66–67 30–100
Epineq.dat, Epinuneq.dat
Introini-Collison and McGaugh (1986) examined the hypothesis that hormones normally
produced in the body can play a role in memory. Specifically, they looked at the effect of post-
training injections of epinephrine on retention of a previously learned discrimination. They
first trained mice to escape mild shock by choosing the left arm of a Y-maze. Immediately
after training, the researchers injected the mice with either 0.0, 0.3, or 1.0 mg/kg of epineph-
rine. They predicted that low doses of epinephrine would facilitate retention, whereas high
doses would inhibit it.
Either 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month after original training, each mouse was again placed in
the Y-maze. But this time, running to the right arm of the maze led to escape from shock.
Presumably, the stronger the memory of the original training, the more it would interfere
with the learning of this new task and the more errors the subjects would make.
This experiment has two data sets, named Epineq.dat and Epinuneq.dat. The original
study used 18 animals in the three dosage groups tested after 1 day, and 12 animals in each
group tested after intervals of 1 week and 1 month. Hypothetical data that closely reproduce
the original results are contained in Epinuneq.dat, although five subjects having a 1-month