Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

state ARNG Commands, staff, and policy proponents
to assess risks and impacts across all of the ARNG’s
core enterprise areas and develop strategic plans that
focus our efforts and resources where they will achieve
the greatest effect. This strategic evaluation and plan-
ning, along with increased cross-functional awareness
of programs and efficiencies, will allow us to leverage
successful initiatives and maximize efficiencies.
The ARNG Directorate is developing sustainabil-
ity goals and objectives, along with metrics to mea-
sure performance and drive resource decisions, to
implement within the ARNG Directorate at AHS, and
ARNG commands in all States, Territories, and the
District of Columbia. The National Guard is develop-
ing processes wherein up-front investments in more
efficient designs, technologies, equipment, or services
will result in lower total life-cycle costs. The National
Guard is reaching out to stakeholders, regulators, and
our partners in the communities to gain their input
and leverage their capabilities. They are also develop-
ing programs where Soldiers, families, and civilians
have a personal commitment to sustainability and are
active participants in programs that enhance readiness
and extend our operational capabilities. The ARNG’s
approach to sustainability must balance outcomes and
oversight with objectives and management.

Background and Problem Description

The ARNG, both at the Federal (ARNG Director-
ate) and State level, faces growing challenges in meet-
ing Federal and State requirements which demand
improved performance across the energy and envi-
ronmental spectrum of their operations. The ARNG
is already addressing the growing encroachment

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