issues. Intergovernmental relations along with other
public-private partners help leverage resources and
build political goodwill for the ARNG at all levels of
government. Sustainability is the realization that our
relationships with both our internal as well as external
stakeholders are as important to every aspect of the
ARNG mission as is any element of combat-focused
training (IMS 2009).
Sustainability Communication Strategy
The ARNG Directorate Sustainability Communi-
cation Strategy and Plan provides the ARNG Direc-
torate’s guidance for communicating the value, need,
and benefits of the ARNG Sustainability Program to
AHS personnel. It also provides the Divisions with
responsibilities and guidance to ensure full imple-
mentation and success of the plan. With the release of
the ARNG Sustainability Policy, this communication
plan will help to ensure that everyone at AHS has the
basic information they need to begin to adopt a sus-
tainability philosophy into every aspect of their work.
A coordinated communication effort will assist the
ARNG at the state and federal levels to institutional-
ize sustainability (PKS 2011).
Sustainability Awareness Training
In order to better understand the concept of sus-
tainability and its applicability to our National Guard
operations, Sustainability Awareness training is re-
quired of all ARNG military and civilian personnel,
which commenced at AHS in early 2011. Initially, the
senior leaders and their staffs from across all ARNG