Sustainability and National Security

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Jackson), SC; Camp Rilea, OR; and Fort Pickett, VA
(ARNG 2003-2010). Several state ARNGs are prepar-
ing and/or submitting additional ACUB proposals
for training sites in Arizona, Arkansas, Pennsylvania,
Texas and Virginia. In addition, Congress has shown
increased support for the DOD’s overall Sustainable
Ranges Initiatives. Congressional support allowed
the ARNG to secure $20 million in military funding
and $122 million in leveraged funding from non-DOD
sources for current and future ACUB projects (ARNG

Sustainability Buffer

The ARNG Directorate will conduct a Sustainabil-
ity Buffer demonstration project for a major ARNG
training site that leverages the benefits of the ACUBs
to test a renewable energy project via partnerships
with industry. Key components of the project will in-
clude protection of Threatened & Endangered (T&E)
Species habitat, and greenhouse gas reduction, in sup-
port of ARNG Readiness. The ARNG Directorate will
provide technical assistance, facilitate the develop-
ment of the ARNG renewable energy ACUB proposal,
and monitor program execution.

State ARNG Sustainability Initiatives

State ARNGs are launching sustainability initia-
tives and practices of their own. Often, state ARNGs
have adopted sustainable processes to address an im-
mediate need, remedy an expensive and inefficient
waste disposal method; monitor heating equipment to
find and fix hidden energy leaks; and invest in renew-
able energy generation to improve energy security.
State ARNGs found sustainability initiatives support

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