Sustainability and National Security

(sharon) #1

key operational areas of Materiel, Infrastructure, and
Readiness. The expected synergies will assist with ac-
complishing mission readiness requirements focused
on maintaining the availability of the land, air, and
water necessary to train, operate and successfully ex-
ecute our missions now, and in the future.

Compatible Land Use

In recent years, ARNG installations are experi-
enced an increase in encroachment from a variety of
sources to include: population growth, urban land
use, and environmental requirements which com-
promised training realism. The Army Compatible
Use Buffer (ACUB) program proactively addresses
encroachment by preserving high-value habitats and
limits incompatible land use in the vicinity of military
installations (USAEC 2011).
On 2 December 2002, Title 10, Section 2684a, of the
United States Code authorized the DOD to partner
with non-federal governments and/or private orga-
nizations to limit encroachment on lands neighboring
the installation. Subsequently, Headquarters, Depart-
ment of the Army, G-3 Directorate of Training, is-
sued guidance in a memorandum dated 19 May 2003,
Subject: Army Range and Training Land Acquisitions
and Army Compatible Use Buffers. The memoran-
dum defines the requirements of an ACUB proposal
in order for an installation to execute any land acqui-
sition (USAEC 2011). The ARNG implemented this
authority through the ACUB program to preserve
permanent access, capacity, and use of training sites
on 49,455 acres in support of nine ARNG installations,
including: Camp Roberts, CA; Camp San Luis Obis-
po, CA; Camp Blanding, FL; Fort Custer, MI; Camp
Ripley, MN; Camp Shelby, MS; Camp McCrady (Fort

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