The editors wish to thank Ms. Jennifer Nevil, desktop publisher,
for her fine work word processing the manuscript and Mr. Todd
Wheeler; COL David DeVoy, USAR; COL Ben Prescott, USAR;
and LTC Rob Farneth for reviewing various book chapters
The views expressed in this book are those of the authors and
do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the
United States Military Academy, the United States Army War
College, the Department of Defense, the Department of State,
USAID, or any other Department or Agency within the United
States Government. Further, these views do not reflect uniform
agreement among authors. This book is cleared for public release;
distribution is limited.
For additional copies of this book please contact Mr. Brent Bankus,
(717) 245-3716 or [email protected].
ISBN: 978-0-9835110-1-