1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

Appendix: Problem Index 615

Drift velocity 5.15, 17
Flow of current 5.16
Wiedemann–Franz constant 5.18
Hall effect 5.19, 20
λ/d 5.23
Average amplitude of vibration 5.24
Debye’s model 5.29, 31
Einstein’s model 5.30

5.2.4 Semiconductors
pn junction 5.36
neandnh 5.37
Effective mass of e 5.38
Doping 5.39
Conduction bands 5.40, 41
Forward bias 5.42
Depletion layer width 5.43
Shockley equation 5.44
Carrier concentration 5.45
5.2.5 Superconductor
Cooper pair 5.46, 47
Josephson junction 5.48, 51
BCS theory 5.49, 50
Quantum Interference device 5.52

Chapter 6 Special theory of relativity

6.2.1 Lorentz Transformations
Simultaneity of two events 6.1
Lorentz transformation corresponds to rotation iα 6.2
Velocity of muon in lab system 6.3, 4, 5
Maxwell’s equations for em are invariant 6.6
KE ofπ+from decayK^0 →π+π−in flight 6.7
Emission angle of muon in lab fromπ→μν, neutrinio being
emitted at 90^0 to pion velocity


Reference frame velocity when the particle velocity components in
SandS′are specified


In the two body decay energy carried by the particles of known
masses and Q-value


Maximum lab energy of muon and neutrino from decay of pion of
known energy in flight


CMS velocity ofe+−e−pair 6.12
Angular relation in relativistic elastic scattering between identical

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