1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

620 Appendix: Problem Index

dσp/dEp 7.9
Scattering from sphere 7.11
7.2.2 Rutherford Scattering
N(60^0 − 900 )/N(90^0 − 1200 )7.13
Scattering probability 7.14, 20
Field of force 7.15
θ∗forb=R 0 /27.16
Breakdown of Rutherford scattering 7.17, 26
N(θ> 900 )/N 7.18
Scattering withL= 7.19
Zfrom Rutherford scattering 7.21
dσ/dWfor electron 7.22
σ=σg(1−R 0 /R)7.23
rminforαscattering 7.24, 28
Eminto reach nucleus 7.25
θforb=R 0 7.27
Scattering forθ< 300 7.29
Scattering from brass 7.30
Scattering from gold 7.31
Darwin’s formula 7.32
7.2.3 Ionization, Range and Straggling
Radiation loss ofDande 7.33
Muon penetration 7.34
Range-energy forDandP 7.35
Range ofP,Dandα 7.36
Range ofαandPin Al and air 7.37
Straggling of^3 He and^4 He 7.38
Mass estimation from ranges 7.39
Range ofDandα 7.40
dE/dxofα 7.41
Stopping power ofPandD 7.42
Specific ionization ofαandP 7.43
Stopping power in air and Al 7.44
Bragg–Kleeman rule 7.45
Geiger’s rule 7.46
Geiger–Nuttal law 7.47
Production of ion pairs 7.48
Energy loss ofPandD 7.49, 50
Radiation energy loss ofe 7.51
Multiple scattering and angular distribution in radiation processes 7.52
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